fic five

749 29 4

Canon divergence

Characters: sam, lucifer, other minor characters

Pairings: sam/lucifer  , a tiny speck of destiel but not much 

Additional tags: Supernatural AU, alternate universe-canon divergence , lucifer with his powers , human sam ( well nah of course ) , lets just say luce looks better looking like nick, movies, cas and dean are very quiet , DOCTOR WHO . DOOO WEEE OOOO DOO WEE OOOO , SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO DIDNT WATCH THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR YET , human cas 


summary: a fic where sam, dean ,cas take luce to the movies.  horrible mistake.  in which sam is a whovian 


( no fancy pic because idgaf )

" i don't understand why he has to come along! " Dean exclaimed, annoyed that Lucifer was with them. 

Sam rolled his eyes. " Look Dean, you got your angel.. ish , i've got mine. You  just can't leave him alone at the the bunker. It's weird. " 

Lucifer smirked. 

Cas looked offended. 

" What are we watching? " Castiel asked, looking at the titles of the movies that were going to be shown soon. 

Sams' gaze swept over a certain , one of a kind, title. 

" The day of the doctor.. 3d .  " Sam smiled. 

Dean sighed. " always with the doctors. " 

Before the movie started, the trailers and ads were on. 

There was one trailer for this movie ,that ended with a scream and someone exploding from the inside out. 

" heh. reminds me of when Cas died. " Lucifer said, coldly. 

Castiel shifted in his seat uncomfortably. 

" that was offensive. " dean said in a rushed tone. 

" defensive are we? " lucifer replied, smirking. 

" guys! not here. " sam whispered. 

Lucifer stuck his split tongue out at dean, who grunted in offence. 

Sam facepalmed. 

" i don't get it. " Castiel muttered, making Sam shush him. 

When  the zygon was appeared to be the horse, Sam chuckled. 

" Wait. Zygons could do that? " Dean whispered, very confused. 

" Yea, they can pretend to be anyone they wish, any thing too. "  Sam replied, keeping his voice down. 

Dean nodded in understanding and watched the movie. 

" heh. i can do that. " lucifer said, adjusting his 3D glasses. 

" you. quit your boasting. " dean hissed. 

" shh! look! a rabbit! " sam shushed, eyes not leaving the screen. 

" you all seem to be having a good time. i'm going to have mine too. " Lucifer spoke, sitting in a ' im so awesome ' position. He took a slow breath and exhaled, making the temperature drop. 

Some fans on the row in front of the four shuddered. " damn, why is it getting so cold? " one fan hissed. 

Dean twitched. " son of a bitch! quit making it freezing like ice here! " 

" it's hilarious seeing humans so affected by just a drop in temperature. " the angel looked smugly, observing everyone around the four. 

" damnit luce.  " sam muttered, immune to the cold. 

during the ending scene, where all 12 doctors stand together, everyone in the audience were huddling one another, trying to keep warm. 13% of the whole movie screen was frozen as well. 

Sam had a not impressed face on and looked to his right. Dean and Cas were hugging eachother. 

" sh- s- shut u- u- up. " dean muttered, shaking. 

The credits rolled and Lucifer laughed. " that was fun. " he exclaimed. 

Everyone got up and stumbled quickly towards the doors of the cinema . 

" Jesus! it was freezing in there! " some person shouted, telling their friends on the phone about the coldness. 

" i am never going to bring you to the movies ever again. " Dean said, pointing a finger at lucifer. 


sorry if this was kinda short. tomorrows one is going to be a long one i promise

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