fic two

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Characters: sam, lucifer, other minor characters

Pairings: sam/lucifer , with a tiny tiny speck of destiel 

Additional tags: Supernatural AU, Lucifer with a difference grace and vessel and stuff, same powers but different him.. kinda ish idk 

Lucifer POV -- 

Michael and i had stopped fighting a few weeks ago, ever since we remembered that fighting didnt mean anything; we were both still stuck in the cage. 

I sat in one of the corners of the cage, as usual. 

It had been only a few days ago that Sams' soul was returned to his soulless body. Castiel didnt manage to get all of Sam on his first go, right after he was resurrected. 

Suddenly the cage started to rattle and shake. i fell to the bottom of the cage with a thump! I opened my eyes to see a bright light approaching my cage. 



I opened my eyes slowly. i was in heaven again. Michael was already gone, probably doing his duties. 

i will let you return to earth, but your grace will be changed

i blinked. What do you mean father? 

You wont need Sam as a vessel anymore.  I will send you back to Earth, but if you do kill without reason, i will send you back to the cage. 

I sighed. 


Lucifer pov--- 

i gasped. i sat up straight to find that i was in a field. a plain, empty grass field. 

" Where- " i was cut off by a car racing by on the road, not so far away from where i was. an impala. 

i got to my feet and decided to go find the winchesters. I was not really sure why. I froze when i heard a hellhound in the distance. 

Hellhounds were after the winchesters. after Sam. 

i started to run. 

sam pov --

i watched as Dean stabbed the Demon in the chest as i salted the place. Hellhounds were coming this way. i forgot to salt the place near the window.

The demon fell to the ground and Dean whispered,  " damnit. " 

" wha- " i was about reply when the window shattered and hellhounds jumped inside. 

I grabbed by gun and began shooting in places. it was invisible for gods sake. 

The other window shattered into many pieces as another hellhound entered the house. 

" SHit! " Dean exclaimed, using his own shotgun with rock salt. 

The door slammed open and a figure stood in the doorway. he has blonde hair and blue eyes. he kind of reminded me of nick. a bit. 

" STOP. " The person exclaimed. his eyes glowing blue for a few seconds. 

The hellhounds stopped and whimpered . " Go back to hell. " the man commanded.  

His gaze watched as the hellhounds ran back to hell. 

" How did you do that? " Dean asked, with a 'are you serious?' face. 

" You don't know who i am? " The man asked, with a confused expression. 

" um. we dont. " i replied. 

The man blinked. " i'm- " 

he was cut off by a burst of white light. 

i shielded my eyes and when the light was gone, i saw Cas using the angel banishment sigil. 

" cas! " dean exclaimed . 

dean does love cas doesnt he. i thought. 

" who was that? " i said, curious of who that was. 

" lucifer. " cas replied, in the same usual voice he always does. 

my eyes widened. " lucifer?  "i repeated. 

" oh great. no wonder he could control those friggin hellhounds. " dean said, rolling his eyes. 

lucifer was back ...

 sam pov-- back at the bunker

i was sitting on my bed, fiddling with my fingers as i thought of how lucifer couldve escaped the cage. 

" you could've just asked me you know?  " said a voice from next to me. 

i jerked and turned around to see lucifer leaning against the wall. 

" did god let you get out? " i asked. 

lucifer smirked. " yes he did. " 

" michael too? " lucifer nodded. 

" Is hallucination you the same as you right now? " i muttered half to myself. 

" hallucination me? " he repeated, head slightly tilting. 

" i started to hallucinate of times in the cage after my soul was back. " 

" i dont think so. " 

" are you angry that i jumped into the cage all those months ago? " i asked, looking down at my hands. 

lucifer was silent.

" no. i never was.  "

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