samifer one shots 15 day challenge

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Characters: sam, lucifer, other minor characters

Pairings: sam/lucifer       , a tiny speck of destiel but not much 

Additional tags: Supernatural AU, alternate universe-canon divergence , highschool au , lucifer with his powers , human sam ( well nah of course ) , lets just say luce looks better looking like nick 


Pre fic: Sam just started highschool and Dean has been there for 4 years already, 


Sam looked down at his schedule with a furrowed brow. His first period, english. He walked over to block A and sighed.

Walking down the hallway, he received many curious and confused gazes from other students. He brushed it off and fumbled around with his keys of his locker. He opened it and took out his english books. 

He shut his locker and as he was about to turn away, he noticed that someone was next to him. 

Sam blinked. " uh... can i help you? " 

the boy with the blonde hair smirked.  " What's your name new student? "  

" Sam. Sam winchester " . Sam replied, slightly nervous. 

The other boy chuckled and placed a card on Sam's book. " See you later Sam. " He walked down the hallway and went into one of the classrooms. 

Sam stared at what he thought was thin air. He shook his head and noticed that other people were staring at him. 

He was certain that he saw wings for a second. 

" Seems like the Devil likes you . "  Some girl walked by and whispered to the Winchester. 

Sam ignored her and went into English class. He sat in one of the seats at the back of the classroom and looked at the piece of paper. it was as small as a business card. There was a red rose on it and at the bottom, there was the letter L in fancy handwriting. 

Sam frowned. what did she mean by " devil " ? 

Later on that day .. plotholes why? cuz i cant and i dont care 


sam walked around the cafeteria and found his brother Dean. He sat down beside his brother; who was talking to other students. 

" Oh, hey Sammy . " Dean exclaimed.  Sam waved silently to the rest of Deans friends. 

One of Deans friends noticed the white card Sam was holding in his hands. " oooohhhh whats this? " 

" uh... " sam didnt have a chance to reply. 

" seems like big bro has claimed you heh. " deans friend spoke. 

" your big brother? " sam repeated, very confused. 

" luci-" he was cut off when the rest of the table except for Sam shushed him. 

Sam shifted in his seat, and looked around the cafeteria. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. 

" seems like you guys started a party without me. " the same blonde guy sam saw in the morning said. 

" oh. Hey. " Dean muttered, obviously not feeling comfortable with the blonde around. 

Sam ignored everything and focused on the white card. His eyes widened at the information he'd missed. 

" you guys aren't human are you? " sam asked to the 'brothers' . 

The deans friend one smiled, " well look like the cop got us. " 

sam looked at the blonde one for an explanation, as he was the ' big ' brother.

" don't look at me, ask bigger bro Michael. " the blonde one said, as if he'd read SAMs mind. 

Michael sighed. " we're angels, who'd come to Earth because our father'd told us all to. " 

" and you are all dicks. " Dean spoke, half to himself. 

" so you're Michael the archangel? " sam asked. Michael nodded. 

The deans friend looked smug and introduced himself, " Gabriel " 

the one who didn't talk much in a trench coat , was next to speak. " castiel. " 

" lucifer " lucifer said, looking at this girl across the Cafeteria. He smirked and moved his finger. Her dirk spilled all over her shirt and she screamed. 

Gabriel laughed. 

Sam rolled his eyes and the end of lunch bell rang.

as he got up, lucifer whispered , " when you have time, flip the card around and say Morningstar. " 

" oka- " before sam could reply, the angel disappeared. 

Dean patted his little brother on the back. " you'll get used to it. "


during the last period of the day, sam took out the card and flipped it around. " Morningstar. " he whispered and as if it was like a spell broken, the card started to reveal words. 


and upside down, the rose was in the shape of a heart. 

End of fic 1

samifer one shots 15 day challengeWhere stories live. Discover now