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It was 2006 when my entire life changed before my eyes, I was only seven-years-old when it all happened but I was really intelligent to know most things that I shouldn't know at my age, my father, Salvador, the next in line to be the upcoming "God of The Storm," tried teaching me many things when I was still young and around this age, he taught me what spirit animals were, how to read, how to write, as you can see by reading this text, and many other things except advanced things you'd see in schools like Calculus and whatnot.
The place was in my old wooden house that you could call a mix between a mansion and a cabin since it had two floors and looked pristinely nice and well-furnished with old rotary phones inside that were connected to an underground landline to show how old the house is, but my father always dusted everything off and tried to make it look brand new again, he even sometimes would pick the rotary phones apart and rebuild it to be as new as ever.
I loved hanging out with my father, he was a nice man, kind, caring, compassionate, loyal and selfless, he had many good traits, but with all positives that come in life, there has to come a negative, and my father was no push-over to anybody when it came to being generous and doing deeds for other people, he'd often get aggressive and physical, alongside verbally shouting, at one person or another, but he would never take it out on his family, or me. I remember him once telling me, "You know, I hope to find the balance between light and darkness, death and life, and both the yin and the yang of the swirling symbol we both see. However, I fear that my life might come to an abrupt end, so if I can't find it, then I entrust you to find it." He then gave me a necklace later that day, April 4th of 2006, a necklace that has a locket attached to it, and on the back of said locket was a name and a date, "Viktor Hikari," and below it, "November 15th, 982-1482." I was ecstatic to be given such an ancient item from my lineage of ancestors, my father told me that Viktor Hikari is the reason why our city, Eclipse, is as big and prosperous as it is today, and when I say prosperous, this does NOT mean that we were built off capitalism, this nation was built solely off of Trade, dating back to 982 AD when Viktor Hikari was born. To keep the story shortened as my lineage and their legacies of building this City to the utopia-like setting that it is today can be a series and story on its' own, I was given an ancient necklace from my oldest ancestor passed on through my father and down to me, and now I am entrusted in finding the balance between the light and the darkness, I was prideful that day to be his daughter, the daughter of the StormCallers, the ones who built this nation to be independent of Japan itself.

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