Chapter III

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The seventh year came around and she was at her breaking point on April 3rd, 2013, around 13-years-old, almost about to turn 14. She grabbed the toothbrush weapon and marked another tally mark, crossing over the two-thousand-five-hundred-and-fifty-fourth mark to make the total number of tally marks add up to 2,555. She then looked at the knife-like object and looked focused on it as the vision flashed through her head, the vision of slicing her own throat open and killing herself, putting an end to her misery, sorrow, and suffering. Mystic thought about this for a minute or two before beginning to put the knife to her throat, however, something stopped her, making her hand stop in place,
"No! I won't allow you to do that! I will not allow you to die like this!"
A voice cries out as the knife is then flung out the window, and this makes Mystic faint onto the ground. Her vision changes to a dark room, very dark, like a void black, glass-like flooring, and only the moonlight above her being the source of light. She was seen sobbing while wrapping her arms around herself as she was practically on the floor, broken.
"Why did you do that?! Dammit, I just want to end all this suffering and just die already!"
Mystic exclaims as she looks up to see a shadow with glowing crimson red eyes and a black dress approach her, her skin color being a light gray, reminding her of the Shadow People that her father talked about, the wielders of darkness, almost immortal, and they have a shade of gray on their skin, but this one is different, she has long red hair. Mystic also saw within her red eyes and gray face that she was crying, and this had Mystic confused.
"Wh-- Why are you crying? What's up with you?"
The shadow person then came closer to Mystic and just kneeled down to get on her level and look her in the eyes,
"Look, you may not know me... But I know you, I know you so well, all your memories, your sixth birthday party, the murder, the kidnapping, all of it, even as far as feeling the torture you've endured for... What? Seven years now? I've been through it all with you, the torture, and have seen what you've grown into, it is honestly pitiful, in a good way that is, not to look down on you, but I wish to take you from this darkness and not let it consume you to the point where you feel the need to take your own life."
Mystic absorbed this sudden amount of detail as they're both tearing up and having both of their eyes glow into one another, blue to red. She then looked down and gulped hard as she shut her eyes tightly,
"You're my 'Killer Instinct' thing they talk about, aren't you? Your red eyes give it away... And if you care so much then why haven't you intervened earlier?! Why didn't you break me out when we had over a dozen opportunities to do so?!"
Mystic was agitated as she could figure this shadow girl was her Killer Instinct by just seeing her eyes and how they are in her own subconscious of darkness, on the other hand, Mystic was quite empathetic about what she could experience and see through her own eyes, but she wanted answers as soon as she could ask them. The girl with red eyes sighed and said as she wipes her tears,
"Well, I couldn't do anything, I am not your Killer Instinct, I'm the soul that was put inside your body by force, and I am being controlled to turn this 'Killer Instinct' on and off against my will, however, I have a back up plan for this to backfire against Akuma and his men."
Mystic stood up slowly as she heard this piece of seemingly good news, which she hasn't heard in over eight years, and she was insanely curious to hear what this tall girl with crimson red eyes had to say about her plan because she'd frankly do anything to get out of that wretched place, a torture prison at that.
"Alright, but one thing is unclear, what should I call you?"
She asks as she wanted to remember this girl's name so if she wanted to call out to her then she'd be able to by her first name,
"Um, how about you make that up yourself."
Her response was shocking to Mystic as she never got to name a person before, not even a nickname, so she thought up of something quickly,
"her eyes... A Crimson Red... Yes! Crimson!"
Mystic mentally thought as she said out loud,
"Alright, Crimson it is, so, what is this plan of yours for escape?"
Crimson just looked down at her as her legs were now a shadowy mist while she stood up, and a smile just formed on her face.
"Well, let's just say you'll get quite the rush of energy and relief all at once when this over, so I will summarize it for you, but for now I will just tell you to break free, you're six-foot-one, right? You are amongst the rarity of women who can reach six-feet tall, but regardless of that genetic rarity of allele pairs, just hop up at the window you have in your cell, reach out your right hand with the palm of your hand facing up to the sky, and focus on the lightning in the storm that will be coming tomorrow, then you may be able to break through the facility and get out of here, I even think you could be bloodthirsty while you're at it so don't worry about bloodshed, remember, they made you suffer through 7 years of hell, and they took both your parents and your children from you by force, don't forget that when I flip your 'Killer Instinct' on."
Mystic started to grit her teeth as she tried to swing a right hook at Crimson with the anger that was inside her, but Crimson just grabbed her fist with ease,
"This'll pay off a lot the more you progress towards the end of this plan as you'll mainly be using rage to keep yourself in control when using such a deadly form, or I should call it a technique since not much changes to your physical appearance other than your eyes turning red and growing fangs while your hair becomes all spiky and stuff."

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