Chapter I

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 It was April 4th, 2006, and Mystic's parents were just getting her birthday party ready to go, but a knock was heard coming from the front door. Mystic's father was the closest to the door so he took a look through the peephole as his nerves were wound up tightly for some reason, and then he looked into the eyes of HIM, seeing that it was the one that overthrew Lucifer in hell and slaughtered one of Mystic's ancestors before they could finish off their lineage, the one that is being referred to was the one who wielded both the element of Lightning and Fire, (Coo-Lere) colère, which means Wrath in French, and he was quite the fierce fighter, a bit too prideful and full of wrath that when he got carried away in his fight against Akuma, he was brutally murdered. The method of murder was too painful to watch for his daughter Akari (Meaning "Light; Brightness" In Japanese), seeing her father's limbs be torn off, piece-by-piece and the screams of colère were so haunting and traumatizing, Akari standing there in fear and terror as she doesn't know what to do at this point, she was just a scared 11-year-old girl, but she eventually snapped when Akuma grabbed colère by the throat and was about to rip his head off.
"I will fucking kill you!"
She screams as the ground around her shook and cracked, her eyes lacking any pupils or irises as the whiteness of her eyes turned black and the irises slowly fading through the darkness in her eyes that reflected her heart and soul into a glowing blue color, she was infuriated now, and couldn't stand this pain, at this point colère was already dead from blood loss and having his limb torn off away from his torso. She then proceeded to disappear the moment a spark of electricity passed by her eyes, Akuma looked down at where she once was, but only to be kicked in the face by Akari, her right foot fully extended, the bottom of her left foot being placed on the left side of her right thigh. Her face as soon as Akuma turned his black eyes with red irises to look at Akari was filled with anger, rage, and darkness, but Akuma only smiled as he was flung into a nearby cliff. The ending of said battle as he backed up a bit and gulped,
"I don't have my powers at the moment, damn, why did I not stop him? Why didn't I kill him instead of just trapping his allies?! Now it's all over... We're doomed... Why can't I just have a peaceful life instead of being shoved into this war over and over again?!"
These thoughts circulated around his mind like crazy as his wife comes up to him and puts her hands on his shoulders, that was a wrongful move on her part, he immediately turns around in a clockwise direction and puts his hand over her mouth as he put his left index on his mouth, signifying to be quiet.
"What's wrong hun?"
She asks in a muffled tone as he looked back at the door, then looks in front of him and whispers,
"It's HIM..."
His wife, Ace, gulped hard as well as her pupils got smaller and she was practically trembling in fear while trying to maintain her composure as the tales Salvador and his father told her were coming to fruition, and right in front of her eyes too. Salvador turned around and looked at the door as one of Akuma's henchmen, Void, the only girl in the group, and a pretty talented user of the shadows and void element, she spoke up and said,
"Mister StormCaller! We know you're in there! Open up!"
Salvador tried to charge up as much elemental power as he could for his electricity, but it was not going to make much of a difference in the ending of this fight, it was 3-on-1 since Ace was JUST learning about martial arts and isn't much of a Warrior like Salvador and his lineage was. He swung the door open out of panic and looked at the three, noticing they shape-shifted into the governor (Akuma), and the two associates of said governor, the two associates being users of the element of Shadows and Void, the guy with particularly light gray skin and black hair alongside glowing yellow eyes is a part of a species who specializes in such an element (On the left of Akuma), these types of people are called "Shadow People." They linger around on Earth after they are taught their element, how to use it, and how to shape-shift into a humane form, like changing their gray skin into pale skin, for instance. This Shadow Man was Akuma's right-hand man, and his name was Matriarx (May-Tree-Arx). The other one was Void but she is like the second fiddle of the entire group. Akuma took off his sunglasses at seeing the sight of this man who was like some of the others he's seen in the past 2,000 years, "sorrow-blue eyes, silver hair, and pale skin, this is definitely one of them." He thinks to himself as his furious red eyes glowed a crimson color and he just grinned in amusement when he sensed fear in his soul and could see it too behind his serious warrior-like facial expression.
"Well, hello there old friend..."
He says in the deepest tone a human can go as he chuckled. Salvador just looked up at him with furrowed brows and an angered expression on his face as a teardrop of sweat streamed down his right cheek, slowly dripping towards the ground,
"What do you want? Akuma?"
Salvador asks as he clenches his fists tightly, not being afraid to fight if he had to, also to protect his family and daughter.
"Well, that is quite simple... I want you StormCallers to die, even the score with you guys..."
Salvador immediately gave a right hook to Akuma, sending him back a bit by the gust of wind at the force of the punch,
"What part of your bullshit is evening the score?! You killed one of us! We aren't murderers you know! Just because we kicked your ass doesn't mean you can go ahead and go on a bloodthirsty killing spree! Would your father truly want that?! His son being a prideful and greedy little demon who kills innocent people over getting his ass beat a few times?!"
Akuma clenched his fists as he grit his teeth and growled, looking over at Void and Matriarx, nodding to them as he says,
"How about we speak in private, somewhere else..."
Salvador then kicks him in the gut, only to have it be blocked by Akuma's right fist. Akuma proceeded to do a gruesome thing that would be traumatizing to anyone, in reality, breaks his left leg that he kicked him with, and feeling this pain made Salvador's pupils go to a really small size as he just screamed in pain. Akuma kept beating around Salvador for a couple of more seconds before he put his fist together in the air and slamming Salvador down, having him bounce off the ground and right back into his house, therefore it spelled defeat for him.
"D-Dammit... I can't lose... Not now..."
Muttered Salvador as he slowly got on his right knee, getting up while quivering, and panting from being beaten up so much.
"Is this all a StormCaller can offer? Ha ha ha ha! What happened to all that power you guys have?! Even Viktor Hikari gave me a better fight than this!"
Salvador was shaking as his left arm went numb and he was squinting his right eye, his vision turning blurry repeatedly in his left. Salvador was severely damaged and some points actually resulted in critical damage, and he could feel his oxygen be taken away slowly, ounce-after-ounce, breath... After... breath... Akuma started to walk towards Salvador with a big grin on his face as the redness in his eyes glowed and his sunglasses snapped off his face,
"Now, how about I finish this? Settle the score and get rid of your memory forever?"
Salvador started to whimper a bit as tears dripped down his face, his sorrow growing as he looked down at the ground while Akuma approached him, and he just accepted his fate as his memories flashed through his head. He proceeded to smirk as he remembered some of the moments he had with Ace, having her teach him Piano, all the dates and nice moments they had with each other, training and sparring, and especially his times with his daughter, Mystic, and he slowly took a deep breath in, trying to reduce the mental and emotional pain this is all having on him.
"My memory will never be forgotten... Never! My lineage will always be remembered, and your lineage will always be looked down upon and rub off a negative vibe to all mortals and Gods, don't you see that? For a 4,000-year-old Demon King anyone would expect you to see what harm you do to people, even by merely being in their presence, do you want to rule this City with an iron fist? Do you even care about anyone else but yourself and royalty? All the sins you've put on your father, who has said he is very disappointed in you and your actions, and yourself, do you even care?"
Akuma stopped around 2 meters from the door and looked down at him with his mouth gaping open a bit,
"I don't care... You're right... I guess I do see that now, but what use are the people? These mortals don't build the economy, they didn't give themselves lives and purpose, US GODS DID THAT!"
Akuma's apathy towards mortals got Salvador infuriated as Mystic started to go out in the open,
"No! Mystic get back here!"
Ace calls out to Mystic as she runs to confront the problem head-on out of curiosity.
"Us mortals have a unique ability, Akuma, that is to give life to other mortals, help each other stand, build our own Cities together, and be unique in our own way. When will you realize that? When will you ever realize that strength and power aren't earned by control and ruling with an iron fist, but rather the strength and power you desire are earned by hard work and developing friendships?"
Akuma thought about this for a minute as Salvador was kneeling on his right knee at that point, gasping for air as he dropped to the ground, and he used all his elemental power in his skirmish with Akuma that he didn't have enough charge to heal himself even in the slightest.
"Hm, guess you're right, but the answer is that greed, persistence, and determination can get you somewhere as well if we're playing Lucifer's advocate here."
Salvador groaned as Akuma began to notice the little one standing in front of her father,
"Well, this is your daughter I presume? The one with mostly black hair with silver around the edges and bright purple eyes?"
Akuma asks Salvador as he gets closer to her, Mystic reaching her hands out in front of her to form a blue transparent barrier between him and her, and she said.
"The name is Mystic, you meanie! Now stop hurting my dad!"
Mystic looked at Akuma in tears,
"Final question of this 21 questions game... Can I borrow your daughter for a few years?"
Salvador looked up at Akuma after he asked this and scoffed,
"What kind of question is that? No! obviously not!"
Akuma still had a grin on his face as he reached out his right hand and blasted through the barrier with a tiny flame of darkness, and this made Mystic squeak as she let go of the barrier, staying by her dad. Salvador teleported in front of Mystic with what energy he had left and reached his arms out to his sides,
"I won't let you... Take... My... Daughter... As long as I'm breathing I won't let you take her."
Akuma laughed hysterically at this statement and responded saying,
"Well, suit yourself hot-shot, guess you don't want to live in the mortal realm with the guilt that you could've prevented all this by not having that child of yours."
Salvador looked down and to the right side of the room, Akuma was right, his energy was drained after Ace had their child, who didn't grow up with the Fallen Angel lineage in her veins, it was the Warrior part of Salvador's lineage that took over.
Akuma looked over his right shoulder and at the two associates with the High-Caliber AR-15 Automatic Rifles loaded with 223 Remington ammunition, and he just chuckled as he moves out of their way and says,
"Well, open up my two lovely associates, I wonder how many bullets a newborn StormCaller can take..."
Salvador gasped as the bullets barely scathed Mystic's left shoulder before her father stood between the bullets and her, feeling nothing as the bullets go through, but an excruciating burning feeling soon sparked through his body like napalm was burning inside him, he moved two steps forward as he breathed heavily and tried standing up straight,
"See... You... Later... Akuma..."
He murmurs as he falls backward with blood trickling down his body in almost all areas, the arms, the chest, the stomach, and the feet. He saw Mystic look into his eyes with a terrified look and her eyes tearing up, her father's blood being splattered across her face from the bullets tearing through his body,
"Don't cry, Mystic, just run... Run for your life..."
Salvador whispered to Mystic as the glowing blue in his eyes drained to a lifeless navy blue, his skin turning white, and Mystic just standing there, frozen like a statue in fear. Akuma just walking up to her and grabbing her by the throat before knocking her out with a headbutt.
Mystic was half-awake as she was being dragged along the grounds of what she can see is like an underground prison facility, though with how blurry her vision was, it seemed more like a cave system to her with repeat waves of orange lights shining through her eyes over her head. She listened in on the little conversation that was going on as she was being dragged along the floor,
"Don't you think she would break out one year? How are you going to prevent her escape? Isn't she a Goddess of some kind?" One of the demon associates asks Akuma,
"I know she might have a possibility of breaking out one of these years, but we have both talisman slips of paper and the old method to keep her under control, the old method that got mortals their information from one another, torture! In addition to that, I had an idea for her sunlight going into her Cell since we apparently can't neglect her mortal needs, Vitamin D. How about we set it about five to six feet above her bed? She would never grow tall enough to reach it, most women don't seem to even come close to even six feet tall. So, on your end, I'd suggest keeping your guard up at all times and just make sure she doesn't make an attempt to escape."
He responds in such a cocky and confident tone, plus add some sexism with no given evidence to that being factual in ALL women's cases, did he even study genetics? Mystic starts to pass out again as soon as the important information was brought into the open and just casually closed her eyes. Mystic later woke up in a Cell, seemed akin to that of a jail cell, though the door signified that it was a lot more like solitary confinement than anything else. 

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