Chapter II

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 The first year begins and it is already like hell to Mystic, she was already depressed and sorrowful when she got captured, but then the torture has begun, and some would call this experimenting, however, there were no injections done or anything being done to her physical body to test things out. Mystic was put through this order of torture to sedate and control her electrical elemental power: Around a dozen stabbings, a thousand cuts around the body, and follow that up by a couple of high-caliber AR-15 bullets being shot into her arms, legs, and even around the torso. All the while she screamed in pain, however, when it came to gunshots, she could feel the intense burning of the penetration of the bullet before she could hear the suppressor or the gun itself fire, which she found odd because it's different than what she thought it would be like. Mystic's hair slowly began to change as the stabbings were passed down and onto the thousand cuttings, tears going down her eyes as her head hangs low, looking lifeless for but a mere moment as the blackness of her hair just faded away into the silver color that surrounded the edges, and the moment she lifted her head up to look at the demons doing this to her in their human form, her eyes were washed over with a glowing blue color of sorrow and grief and depression, she was crying as she started to feel little hope from that day onward.


The second year passed along and Mystic was feeling mentally numb, just sitting in the corner of her small cell with her knees against her chest and her head buried into her thighs as she hugged her legs and cried more and more,
"I wish I could just end it right here... Right now... So then I may be with my parents again..."
She whispers to herself as the daylight from her cell's window turned into the bright moonlight that gives the sky its color of a dark navy blue or any color at all.
A knock suddenly came at her cell as she knew who it would be that'd come through the door, it was Akuma and Matriarx, the two scumbags of the Afterlife and Reality in general, and at this moment Mystic's Wrath took over reason when Akuma came up to her and looked her in the eyes, only to say a demand to her.
"Come with me, little girl..."
Mystic clenched her right fist at this demand as she doesn't want to obey by anyone except maybe those who she holds close, and she retaliated with a right punch to Akuma, the hit landed with a devastating amount of force but he seemed unfazed as she grabbed her right fist by the wrist and pulled a paper talisman out of his back pocket, placing it on her head. The piece of paper had Kanji on it that said, "拒 素子," and that seems to be of Japanese Text, it means, in other words, "Element Repellant." Upon Akuma placing the talisman on her forehead and having it stick like tape, she suddenly felt weak and had no control over her body, but only could see what was going on. Her body slowly walked in the direction of the door, seeing another talisman on the outside of the door when she walked out, and she knew from seeing the talisman that it would be a lot harder to break out than merely kicking the door down or something.
"Well, this kind of sucks, I'm being controlled by a damn talisman, and I don't know what they're going to do to me next, rape me? Experiment on me? How about shoot me a few more times or stab me in the gut? I just want this to be all over..."
Mystic slowly walked down the hallway corridors as she said that mentally, her blue eyes looking lifeless but her body being fully functional. Akuma followed her and directed her towards the one small dark room on the first right to another corridor and then the second door down of five rooms on the right, and Matriarx, well, he just stood there for a moment, staring at the ground as his soft side was kicking in slowly, and he just shed a tear before his legs turned into a shadowy mist as he levitated over to them, his orange eyes radiating a glow like Mystic and her lineage had their eyes. Mystic's heart started to race as she was forced to lay on this aluminum plate, the semi-circle cuffs having her wrists and ankles locked in place, like an electrical chair without the belt strap things, or perhaps like those magician knife-throwing wheels, particularly the one you'd see in the intro for "Shadows of Evil" from a game called Black Ops 3. Mystic closed her eyes as two more tears formed in both of her eyes and streamed down her cheek like a creak, saying her last remark mentally,
"If I ever get out of this to spread a message or write a book... I want absolutely NO ONE to go through what I've been through, not even close to suicide, and people might say I'm a bit too mature and smart for a nine-year-old, but I don't care, my Fallen Angel lineage was full of wise and intelligent people, my other half focusing on intelligence and strength in the Warrior lineage, my father's lineage is why Eclipse City is as it is instead of the entire Kingdom being a market for slavery, high poverty levels, and brutal murder and thieving. I hope to meet someone someday... Some-year... That I can relate to and share my pain with, I just want to not feel so alone in this world when I get out of here."
A blinding white light appears above Mystic as she kept her eyes closed and she was already numb in the head so whatever they do here will have little to no effect on the pain scale except for maybe some things anyone could imagine. Akuma looked down at Mystic with his red eyes and an angered expression on his face as he slaps Mystic, thinking she was sleeping, but she just slowly opens her eyes and looks at Akuma with a small smile.
"Stay awake you piece of filth!"
He screams at her while he grabs the needle from the table, lifting it up as she sees an orange fluid inside the barrel of the needle, and then something caught her attention, a black mist, a soul? Something was circling around the barrel with a distressed facial expression as she could hear it whispering into her right ear with a screaming tone,
Mystic was freaked out by this as Akuma grabs her left wrist with his right hand and before Mystic knew it, the prick of needle went into her blue vein of which blood goes through, and he injected the thing into her bloodstream, this later caused a massive side-effect that wasn't curable for many years, however, it was sedatable (another word for sedative that holds the definition of "promoting calmness or inducing sleep," mainly the calm part where the definition would most likely be "Can induce sleep or a state of calmness"). She winced and whimpered as she felt her entire body just feel like it was pulsating, an almost numb feeling as the only thing she could feel and mostly hear at that point was the beating of her own heart, and Mystic just wanted to end it all, it was only two years in and she is already being pessimistic. She was then sent back to her cell after the injection, she stood in front of the open door and looked into the room as the talisman was slowly peeled off her forehead, and before she could rebel once more, Akuma kicked her behind in the room. After the first few doses of torture, Akuma had an idea to give her a new set of clothing because his men and his associates knew damn well that they wouldn't shoot at a naked child. So, in order to get rid of this issue, he gave her a new set of clothes and would repair them with his magical power as all Gods have, even though he took the throne of hell by force. The outfit consisted of basic necessities, though Mystic barely wore the undergarments until Akuma forced her to do so. The attire choice he had in mind for her was a black men's t-shirt, dark gray cargo pants, and black boots with the pant-legs stuffed into the boots.


The next year passed over and Mystic knows the order of the continuity for her being tortured, she still groans in mental pain as she recalls the gunshots and stabbings, the cuts weren't that bad though, and the reason she is still alive was because of her own element, being a part of the StormCallers.
"Our healing technique isn't perfected to the point of where we're invincible sweetheart, often times it'd be the same as the humans healing ability, and I don't even recall us being able to regrow limbs either, at least nobody has tried it. In addition to that, the injuries we endure would leave scars that would take a decade or so to even fade away, depending on how serious the injury is."
Mystic recalls her father saying that very clearly as she sees all the cut and stabbing marks/scars on her arms and forearms, plus around her body as well. Nothing new was happening to Mystic upon the third year coming around, of which she kept track by grabbing the spare toothbrush she kept in her previous clothes and snapping it in half and sharpening it to make the markings for each day that passed by, the room was practically a cave for her at that point with how sharp the weapon was and all the markings around the room.


It was now the fourth year and the only thing that has changed now compared to before is that she's been sent out on missions through the battlefields of war and combat as a secret weapon, forced to tear apart everything in her way, against her mind and soul's will, she would even cry as she did this, having regret fill her eyes and being seen before the man or woman was slaughtered, and it was truly traumatizing to her since she was even forced to kill children, however, she managed to switch off the Killer Instinct with all her willpower (this is a dangerous form in which her body goes on a potentially bloodthirsty killing spree), but this came at a high expense of her stamina and energy, dropping her to her knees, teardrops of sweat dripping onto the ground below her. The last thing she'd say to the child and mother as they lay there, frozen from fear, seeing her red eyes turn blue, was one word,
The two would nod as the mother would grab her child and she'd run with him/her, but as soon as they're about to be gunned down by soldiers and tank fire, Mystic would stand in front of the bullets, taking them as though she were a human meat shield. If it was tank-fire or some other projectile, she'd think fast on the missiles speed and proceed to burn her stamina by using super speed (an ability her ancestor Lupus Hikari invented with the use of lightning speed in his element) and just grabbing the missile or the tank the shell and maneuvering it right back at them. When those moments happen, Akuma would step in to deal with Mystic, and what he'd do is simply appear behind her and gift her a fast and swift chop to the neck to knock her out cold, not giving a care in the world if his men died.


The fifth and sixth year passed by, the gunshots now making her ears ring from its loud sound that was followed up after the bullet penetrated her body, the slicing feeling like a 5000-degree knife going across her skin, causing her body to go completely numb after the first stage was over, the slicing, the stabbing on the second stage she'd grunt and groan in pain but her wound would heal about 2x faster than it did the first year, "Excellent, she's improving her healing ability to be even faster than before, but this might be a problem on improvement since this means her power is being raised drastically as it costs now only 40% of her elemental power to heal up, it used to be just 80%." Akuma says to himself as his demon scientists take notes on this change of her ability and its energy consumption. Mystic just thought of something right then and there right after her third stage of torture, "I feel numb... I don't feel a damn thing but just absolute death... If I have nobody in my life, then what's the point of living in this life?" She was then released from her chains and given new ones with a waterproof talisman stuck to her back, and when she looked up at them, the two demon workers, they teared up by the sight of her sorrow-filled blue eyes. The sorrow was thick in the atmosphere as a cold feeling radiated off her body and she was crying as she walked to the shower room to have the blood washed off of her. As some of the demons would be like typically, especially the succubus workers, they pervertedly stared at Mystic, and to this response she'd rip off one of the hoses and throw it straight at the two-way mirror, she knew it was a two-way mirror because of the signs you can search up on the internet. She wasn't punished for this by Akuma, however, he just laughed at the Succubus for staring and getting her pissed off. 

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