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 A couple of days passed by as she stood at the orphan department of this huge complex, being taken care of, and whenever a doctor or anyone would come near her or her wounds, she'd cower away like if she was fearful of them when she really just didn't like them going near the wounds that were created by her or her past. A family came in on the third day of her being in the orphan department, being a bit lonely and not interacting with others often, and most of them would only speak Japanese, which she was bit iffy at speaking but proficient or advanced when it came to reading it, hence how she can navigate around a city with so much text written not in English but in Japanese. Mystic was picked by this family to be adopted into because the family was supposedly looking for a "Child who is strong-willed and independent, brave even." The first suggestion that the same guy gave at the front counter was Mystic, she was baffled by this news, and didn't think they'd take a stubborn brat like her since she knows she doesn't go liking or interacting with everyone in sight. At the house things were a bit of a mess, the step-father once tried some old school discipline techniques like the belt or washing her mouth with soap, but what happened when they tried that is she grabbed the belt and whipped it out the window, she apologized later on and even went to go find a way to save up money to replace the broken window, which baffled Mystic's Foster Parents by a wide margin because they didn't have to do anything for her to be like this. When it came to washing her mouth out with soap because she had a foul mouth at times like,

"I ain't doing this fucking homework, it's pointless to do so!"

Once they tried to put her in a hold and the father grabbed the soap and was about to pump it into her mouth, the mother said,

"Honey, we are doing this for your own good."

Mystic just grins as electricity builds up inside her, and she just snarks a comment that states in a deep tone,

"As am I... For your own good..."

She shocked her mother with her electrical power, not fry or jump her heart rate or do any type of damage to her, the only side-effect was her hair poofing up from the electrons and a tingling sensation around her hands and body since the shock was a bit... Well... Heh heh... To put it bluntly, SHOCKING! The father yelled at Mystic after that and told her to go to her room and stay there for the night, she shrugged as a reaction to his yelling and demand with a blank facial expression, and the only thing she remarked to him before actually opening and shutting the door behind her was,

"You know she'll be fine, right? Just get some balloons to decrease the electrons in her hair and body, and just give her time to have the tingling side-effect decrease, a doctor is not needed, it was only a little sting."


This concludes the ending to Mystic's backstory, she has been through hell and back, shot, stabbed, cut, and other things many times... Although... We never got to find out what was in those documents, did we?


It was April 3rd, 2015, and Mystic was going to turn 16 in two days, she just remembered her documents as some file folders fell out, and she looked into the folders and files. There was also an SD Card Taped to the piece of paper that is showing photographs of her mother and father dead, plus it seems to be a deceased report with blood samples and all like they just were doing an autopsy as she was knocked out. Mystic looked through more folders and papers to see what else she could find, seeing the torture/experiment with the Killer Instinct results, and surprisingly they classified it as a "Dangerous Weapon That Could Not Be Controlled." Mystic was up for the challenge of trying to figure out how to control the thing, but for now, Crimson, is in a deep, deep, comatose-like slumber, and even Mystic doesn't know when she'll wake up. Mystic was horrified by the "E" folder for experiments and torture, they were going to aim not just for her body, but next they were going to aim for the eyes, injecting things into the skull and right through into the brain, and also some sickening stuff that she wanted to keep classified to be private and out-of-sight, but to feed your curiosity in a less disgusting manner, they were going to aim at her genitalia between her legs and do some experiments there, maybe use her as a way to repopulate the demon race, make Demon StormCaller hybrids for Akuma to use as his ultimate weapon to take control over the Afterlife and perhaps the whole Universe.

It was truly horrifying for Mystic to even think of what could have happened if she stayed put a bit longer and endured more suffering and one hell of a wave of pain with childbirth if that's what Akuma was going for with Mystic's genitalia. So, while she considers herself grateful to have had Crimson by her side throughout her escape plan and thankful to be where she is today, however, that night, she had three nightmares in a row about that place, waking up to be constantly shivering, quivering, and sweating. Her bed would be smelling like sweat by dawn, and her parents wouldn't blame her for this because earlier that week since it was a Wednesday, she was diagnosed with having Night Terrors, Major/Clinical Depression, PTSD, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Well... The last one isn't as bad since they couldn't figure out a direct link between her Killer Instinct and that disorder, but it seems to be two distinct personalities, so Mystic started to go get help to sedate her Killer Instinct, trying to help herself out, and she was in extreme denial of having depression, but when she considered the fact that she was filled with sorrow and just about killed herself once... It wouldn't be a big shocker to her if she had it, and PTSD, well... You know how she reacted that Wednesday night to see her past, night terrors, waking up in extreme buckets of sweat and quivering in extreme terror and fear, and having constant nightmares. Mystic does take medication to deal with her depression, but sometimes it gets to her even with the meds, so she goes to see a Therapist, a Psychologist every now and then, about 6 months annually for an accurate schedule of how often she sees one.

This was Mystic's story...

All the darkness...

All The Horror...

She Pushed Through It All...

But what about Luna? How will she be able to overcome the darkness?

Maybe her soulmate-like sister could help her out with that...

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