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Calm down, I may have a few but the rules aren't that bad.

1. When you want to talk to me and it's not role playing put it in parentheses, like this, (...)

2. Please wait for me to approve your form before asking to role play.

3. No Mary/Gary Sue's (op characters)!

4. I don't care how many OCs you have as long as you keep up with them.

5. Please no cussing.

6. Reply in sentences as well as correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling. I know no one's perfect but, please do the best you can!

7. (Not really a rule but whatever-)
You can be related to my OCs if you wish, or you can have a crush on my OC. I'm ok with that. You can make your own team or join mine (which is made of my OCs), but please tell me which one. I have eight OCs, meaning I have two teams.

8. Three to five sentences (a paragraph) is the minimum.

9. No group roleplays.

10. No lemon/smut!

11. If I don't reply after you've tagged me, it most likely means you broke one of the rules, or I'm not having fun, or I'm busy.

This is the most important rule so pay close attention!

12. HAVE FUN!!! ^-^

If in any case you do break one of the rules, in order for me to start replying again, you have to tell me which one of the rules you broke, then resend your reply. If the reply itself is the problem then you still have to tell me which rule you broke and send a better response.

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