³ Ryker

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Name: Blake Ryker

Age: Part I~ 13-14, Part II~ 16-18, Boruto~ 27
Name: Blake Ryker

Age: Part I~ 13-14, Part II~ 16-18, Boruto~ 27

Gender: Male

Nickname: Blabla (Sarah and Akira- teasing)

Looks: He has black hair with blue at the tips and brown eyes; he is often mistaken for a civilian when not wearing his ninja gear or head band.

Crush: Sarah Uchiha

Personality: He's pretty laid back but can sometimes stress over little things.

Family: (in progress)

Chakra Nature(s): Earth

Village: Konoha, Village Hidden in the Leaves

Weapons: standard weapons

Kekkai Genkai: N/A

Teammates: Sarah Uchiha, Akira Crystalline, and their sensei, Mai Crystalline.

Rank: Part I~ Genin, Part II~ Chunin, Boruto~ Jonin

Clan: Ryker

Jinchuriki: N/A

Backstory: Contrary to his two teammates, Blake had an ordinary and decent childhood. Nothing out of the ordinary with him. He was born as a civilian with civilian parents but decided to become a shinobi because he wanted to help people. However, when he heard stories about shinobi, although they were cool in his eyes, he began to regret his decision and wished he had heeded his parents' warnings about the dangers. He had average grades, he wasn't the best looking, and had no talent or skill for the shinobi life, sure he was strong but that was just because that the body he was born with. All males were gifted with natural strength and he made no effort to improve until he saw Sarah and Akira training. He had over heard one of them giving the the other a small speech to not give up and keep getting up until they were dead. Thus, he gained the courage to go through with it and walk the path of a ninja. He gets his ridiculous nickname from his quote-on-quote idols when they formally meet. Having stalked- observed the girl from afar for quite some time, he soon realized he had a crush on the Uchiha. This resulted in him stuttering while introducing himself and Sarah teased him for it from then on. Eventually, almost everyone knew him as Blabla.

Other: N/A

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