² Nakamura

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Name: Sachiko Nakamura

Age: Part I~ 13-14, Part II~ 16-18, Boruto~ 27

Gender: Female

Nickname: Sako

Looks: Sachiko has jet black hair and black eyes.

Crush: Shino Aburame

Personality: She dislikes unnecessary violence, or violence in general. She's a quiet person, but isn't necessarily shy.

Family: Her father is Yoshiro Horigoshi and her mother is Harumi Nakamura. Both have passed away.

Chakra Nature(s): Water

Village: Village Hidden in the Leaves

Weapons: senbon

Kekkai Genkai: N/A

Teammates: Asahi Crystalline, Akina Akemi and her sensei, Mira Namikaze

Rank: Part I~ Genin, Part II~ Chunin, Boruto~ Jounin

Clan: Nakamura

Backstory: Her mother was a very skilled medical ninja, and her father was a ninja as well. Both of them died during a war about a year after she was born. However, she didn't know either of them were ninja and stayed with her grandmother, who, according to her daughter's wishes, kept it secret until she was about ten years old, telling her they had passed away from an illness. Once Sachiko discovered this, she was torn between anger and sorrow. She eventually decided to follow in their foot steps and become a shinobi herself and discovered her natural talent for it. She found out her father did some terrible things in the past and grew interested in the medical field, deciding to follow in her mother's foot steps and taking on her mother's surname.

Other: Her name means child of good luck and happiness. Harumi (her mother's name) means spring beauty, Yoshiro (her father's name) means righteous son.

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