Short Story #35: Day Dreaming Yolanda

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"Yolanda, what is the answer to my question." Mrs. Crowns asked.

"Huh?" replied Yolanda

"Huh, isn't the correct answer, Yolanda, you really need to start paying attention. You are missing out on a lot of learning and information," scolded Mrs. Crowns.

Yolanda loved to day dream in class. She would day dream about summer vacation or what she is going to do after school. Yolanda never caused any problems in class, but she would often find that she never know what she was supposed to be doing or what or what was going on. Her grades were getting lower and lower.

Yolanda was failing her test because she didn't know how it work. Yolanda didn't mind though, she thought that she would just learn it all next year.

One day, Yolanda's day dreaming caused her a problem that she worry about. "Okay class, today is the last day for permission slips for the field trip to the zoo. If you don't have your permission slip, you cannot go on the field trip," stated Mrs. Crowns.

Yolanda never heard about the field trip before. How did everyone else know about the field trip, she thought. The next day, Yolanda's class went on an amazing field trip to the zoo and Yolanda had to stay in Kindergarten room. Until her class came back.

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