The Skateboard

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~Kim's PoV~

The day went over in a flash, it was honestly one of the best days ever, Jack and I have been sitting next to each other in health class and we were talking about skateboarding then he asked me to go to the skatepark, of course I said yes! I've never met anyone to share the same skateboarding passion as me and now finally I have! I turned around to face the front and out of the corner of my eye I could see a snug Brie obviously knowing what happened between me and Jack. It wasn't like a date anyway so it didn't really matter.

The rest of health went by line a flash and the bell went, I packed up my things and headed to my locker to grab my skateboard and put away a few of my notebooks.
"Ready to go?" Jack asked.
"Yep." I replied popping the 'p'.
"Alright then!" He said with a smile on his face. I seen Brie and waved then mouthed 'I'll catch up with you later' and all she did was nod.

Jack and I headed to the skatepark talking about a lot of things like skateboarding and what it was like for me to move to Seaford. Obviously I couldn't tell him much about my past not why I moved here so I just said that we moved here for our father's 'Job' which is a story that me and Brie made up the first day we were in Seaford so hopefully if anyone asked her she would answer the same thing.

We made it to the skatepark and I jumped on my skateboard before heading Jack say.
"Where's your helmet?" I just laughed at him as he looked at me confused "What?" He asked.
"I don't have a helmet." I said in between laughs.
"You don't have a helmet?! Come on let's go buy you one." Jack said grabbing my wrist.
I sighed as I said. "Jack I never ride my skateboard with a helmet why would I need one now?"
"Because I don't want you getting hurt." Jack said in a sort of upset voice.
"I didn't know you cared that much about me..I mean you just met me a few days ago." I murmured.
He stopped and turned around to me, "of course I care about you, you are one of my best friends even if e have only known each other for a short amount of time."
I smiled at him before whispering, "how about we just ditch skateboarding and go and hang out."
He nodded before taking my hand and leading me somewhere.
We went through trees as I continuously asked him, "Where are we going?"
He stopped as I walked beside him to see the amazing view of Seaford from the top of a hill, it was beautiful.
"Wow Jack this is beautiful." I said gasping at the sight.
He chuckled lightly before saying "I know." And patting the space beside him for me to sit down.
I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder as I yawned the whole waking up thing early in the morning was really getting to me.
We talked for a bit before I looked at the time Brie would be worried sick if I didn't show up at the house soon, I stretched as I got up,"I should get going, thanks for bringing me here Jack." I stared to him in a soft tone.
He stood up too,"You're actually the first person I've showed this place to. Would you like me to walk you home?" He asked.
"I'm okay, my house isn't that far from here." I said with a warm smile.
"Okay well good night Kim I'll see you tomorrow." He replied as he hugged me then began to walk off as I waved to him, as soon as he was out of view I went to a place no one could see me, turned into a bird and flew home. Yeah I'm lazy, fight me. I turned back into a human once I flew through the open window. I sighed as I thought of jack and that beautiful place he showed me to, I was the first person he's ever showed that.

I took a shower then got ready for bed, until I remembered, crap. Jack has my skateboard.

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