'Til It Happens To You

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*Nicole POV*

The next morning, I woke up the happiest I had ever been. I rolled onto my back and stared blankly at the ceiling.
"Did last night really happen?" I wondered.
I turned back over and grabbed my phone. There were hundreds of notifications, mostly from social media. After five minutes of looking through them, I saw two texts: one from Chloe and one from Gaga. I opened Chloe's text first:

Chloe 👯‍♀️💞
"Hey girl! Thanks again for
taking me last night, I had
the best time!!!!!"

"No problem Chlo thanks
for coming with me! ❤️"

Then I looked at Gaga's message, which she sent me soon after I fell asleep. I couldn't believe she actually texted me back.

Gaga 👑❤️
"Hi sweet girl! Thank you
for being so amazing, I'm
so happy I met you. Have
a great night baby 💕"

I stared at her text for a second, trying to let it all soak in.

What an angel that woman is.

Right as I finished clearing out my notifications, I got another text message from Gaga.

Gaga 👑❤️
"Good morning beautiful!
I'm not sure if you're up yet,
but text me when you get
this!!! Xoxo"

I was still half asleep so I told myself that I would answer her later.

I cleared her message and stared at my new lock screen. It was one of the photos I took with Gaga when I met her. She was hugging me really tight while giving me a kiss on my cheek.
I gazed at my phone for awhile, remembering what had happened at that exact moment:

"Come here sweetheart let's take some pictures."
Gaga grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch after she called her bodyguard back in to take a few photos of us.
"What pose do you wanna do??" she asked me.
I was still super nervous.
"Whatever you want is fine with me."
Without hesitating, she got closer and wrapped her arms around me. We took the picture, but Gaga didn't let go. She moved her head and looked into my deep brown eyes.
"Wow," was all she managed to say.
"What is it?"
"You're just so beautiful."
She had the biggest look of awe on her face.
"T-thank you Gaga." I started tearing up.
"You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever laid my eyes on, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, hugging me even tighter. Her bodyguard took another photo.
She still didn't let go. We stayed holding each other for a long time. I don't think either of us wanted it to end.

My eyes welled up with tears. I could still feel her arms around me. I would've done anything to go back in time, just so I could relive that moment.
I hadn't felt that loved since my mother died. Meeting Gaga was everything I ever wanted, and I really wished she was there to watch my dreams come true.

I took my eyes off my phone and looked up toward the ceiling. A tear fell down my face.

"I did it mom."

I heard the front door unlock.


My uncle had just gotten home from a week-long business trip. I heard him greet my aunt at the door.

"I'm home darling! Where's Nicole?"

I immediately got in bed and pretended I was asleep. There were footsteps coming up the stairs. I held my phone close to me and squeezed my eyes shut.
Then I heard my door open.

Good job dummy. You forgot to lock it.

"Oh look who's awake." my uncle said.
I squirmed at the sound of his voice.
He moved closer to me.
"We're gonna have some real fun later."
He let out a quiet chuckle and left the room. Chills were running down my spine. I stayed in my bed, too frozen to move. I decided to grab my earbuds and listen to some music. I scrolled through all my songs before going back to my usual playlist.
Gaga it is.
I don't think I've ever gone a day without listening to her music. She's one of the only reasons I'm still here.
I played the whole Joanne album, thinking about all the performances from last night. The nostalgia was flowing through my brain.
After a little while I checked the time on my phone:


I didn't realize that nearly three hours had gone by.

"I'm leaving for work!" I heard my aunt yell.
The door shut and now it was just my uncle and I.
I laid in bed motionless until my phone went off.
It was another text from Gaga.

Gaga 👑❤️
"Nicole baby I haven't
heard from you all day.
Are you okay???"

I completely forgot to text her back.
I opened her message and began typing.

"Hey Gaga, sorry I didn't
get back to you. I forgot t-"

My bedroom door swung open.
I jumped and dropped my phone on the ground.

"It's been too long." my uncle said as he walked towards me. I could smell the alcohol on him.
He began stroking my hair and I tried to back off. Before I knew it I was pinned against my wall, unable to move.
I kept trying to release myself from his grip, but he was much stronger than me.
"Stay still!!" he yelled.
I bent down slightly and kicked him in the leg, desperately trying to get away.
He looked at me, his face full of anger.
"You little bitch!"
He hit my stomach with so much force that I was knocked to the ground. He continued to punch and kick me until I stopped moving.

"I'll be back." he said before exiting the room.
I reached out for my phone and dialed Gaga's number. It was my only hope.
She answered right away.

"Hello?? Nicole?? Thank God you called I was worried about you! Are you okay honey?"
"H-help me." was all I managed to say before my uncle came back in the room.
I hid my phone in my pocket so he wouldn't see it.
"Now let's try this again." he said.
"P-please don't!" I yelled.
He took off his shirt and moved his hands up and down my body. I screamed in agony as my clothes started to come off as well.

Gaga was still on the phone.
"HELP ME!!" I screamed.
My uncle covered my mouth.
"Shut up you slut! Nobody is gonna hear you!"

I looked down and saw that the call had ended. I was alone with the devil once again.

I heard a zipper and closed my eyes, knowing what was gonna happen next.

My teeth clenched as I felt him move on top of me. Right before he entered me, the door broke down and he quickly got off of me. I opened my eyes and was stunned by what I saw outside my room.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I'm almost done with school so things are a little hectic right now to say the least. Thanks so much for reading though, I hope you're enjoying my story so far!

XO, JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now