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*Gaga POV*

The movie was almost over, and it was getting dark.
I looked to my right and saw Nicole sleeping soundly on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful, and that's all I could've asked for, especially after seeing what she was dealing with. It had probably been a long time since she felt calm and safe. I couldn't help but let a few tears slip as I looked at her. Nobody should have to go through what she did, and it broke my heart knowing that I couldn't take her pain away. I leaned down and kissed her head, watching in awe as her eyes fluttered open. She had the most beautiful brown eyes I'd ever seen. It was so easy to get caught in her gaze. She looked up at me with a tired smile.
"Is it over? Sorry I fell asleep."
"Don't be sorry." I whispered as I caressed her cheek softly. She yawned and I followed her eyes as she looked down at her left arm.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed." she said quickly.
I followed her into the guest room and made sure she had everything she needed.
"Goodnight sweetheart." I said as I walked out and shut the door.

For now I was just gonna let her sleep, she had a long day. I had a lot of questions to ask her in the morning though. I noticed that she had blood on the sleeve of her shirt. She probably had no clue that I saw it, and she obviously didn't want to tell me right away.
"I'll let her open up when she's ready."

*Nicole POV*

I didn't even realize that I was asleep. I felt Gaga softly press her lips against my forehead, and woke up to see her eyes gazing into mine. I felt a wave of relief rush over me. She always had a face full of love, and the way she looked at you made everything feel okay. I broke the eye contact for a split second and looked down at my arm. There was blood on my sleeve and I started to panic inside, hoping that Gaga hadn't noticed.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed."
We got up and walked to the guest room, where I plopped right into bed. It was the most comfortable bed I had ever been in.
"Goodnight sweetheart," was the last thing I heard her say before drifting off to sleep.

*Gaga POV*

I couldn't seem to fall asleep so I just laid in bed, motionless, as all these thoughts flooded my brain. All I could do was cry, not for myself but for Nicole. I had only known her for two days, but I already had this huge attachment to her. I felt like it was my duty to protect her at all costs. She didn't have anyone else. I was the only person she could rely on. I wished that there was some way I could erase all her pain, but there was nothing I could do.

I couldn't get over all that blood on her arm. There were definitely other things that she wasn't telling me, and I hated that she felt the need to keep secrets. I knew that we had just met, but I wanted her to feel comfortable enough to open up to me. I needed her to know that she could trust me, and that I would do anything to make her feel safe and happy, even if that meant giving up my career.
"Maybe I should adopt her."
The thought swirled around in my head for a while until this feeling of doubt came over me.
"What if she doesn't want to be with me?
Am I even ready to handle a child?
What if I do something wrong?"
I turned onto my stomach and muffled my sobs with my pillow.
I couldn't bear to lose her. She already meant so much to me, and it was my chance to give her the happy life she deserved.

My heart wouldn't stop aching for that poor girl. I cried softly, trying not to wake her up. I eventually fell asleep with tears still running down my cheeks.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I hope you like it though :)

XO, JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now