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*Nicole POV*

There was a blow to my face and everything went black.
I woke up with my feet tied to the bedposts and my hands duck taped behind my back. My sweatpants were bunched up at my ankles, and there were purple bruises on my waist and inner thighs.
My uncle walked into the room.
"Rise and shine sweetie."
He walked up and stroked my hair with one hand while the other traveled down my half naked body. I winced as he moved himself towards my bottom half and gave me a seductive  smile.
"You know you like this."
"P-please don't!" I screamed.
I got another hard slap to the side of my face.
"Shut the fuck up Nicole, you know maybe if you weren't such a dirty whore I wouldn't have to do this!"
Then there went the zipper, a noise that I knew all too well.
I laid there hopeless as he threw away my body, taking my pride with it.
I screamed so loud that I was punched in the chest and knocked unconscious again.

*Gaga POV*

I was woken up by a gut-wrenching scream, followed by another, and another.
I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the guest room. What I saw was terrifying.
The door swung open and there laid Nicole, screaming in her sleep like someone was hurting her. I rushed to the bed and tried to wake her up.

"Nicole!! Nicole!! Wake up!!"

I shook her until she finally opened her eyes. She jumped when she saw me and broke down almost instantly.
I got on the bed and held her close, trying to comfort her. She was shaking violently and when I asked her what happened she couldn't even speak. Once she started to calm down, I threw the covers over us and laid down next to her. I caressed her cheek with my thumb as she turned around and looked into my eyes. What she said to me next broke my heart in two. I could hear the pain in her voice.

"Please don't leave me."

I swallowed hard, trying to hold back tears.
How could I leave her?
She turned back around and I snuggled into her, rubbing her back until she fell asleep.
Part of me thought about getting up and going back to my bed, but I knew I couldn't leave her alone and risk her having another nightmare.
I wrapped my arms around her and stayed there for the rest of the night.

*Nicole POV*

I heard my name and felt someone shaking me. I woke up to see Gaga with a panicked look on her face.
"Baby it's okay, it's just me."
I immediately covered my face with my hands and broke down. It was so embarrassing. I felt Gaga wrap her arms around me and pull me close to her.
"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"
I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, so I just nodded, my head buried in her chest.
Gaga held me tightly and rubbed my back soothingly until I started to wind down. Something about her touch always calmed me. Her hugs were always so warm and comforting.
I lifted my head up and looked into her eyes.

"It was h-him."

I was barely able to get the words out before sobbing again. Gaga pulled me into her lap and rocked me back and forth.
"Shhh it's okay baby, I'm here now. You're safe. I'll never let anyone lay a finger on you again."
She kept whispering in my ear until everything was silent. I released myself from her grip and laid back down. I thought she was going to get up and leave, but instead she covered us up and laid down next to me. I rolled over so our eyes met.

Suddenly, I felt this terrible gut feeling in my stomach. I was already getting so attached to her and something in me knew she was going to send me away to an orphanage. She had to continue the rest of her tour, and she surely didn't want to bring along a fucked up teenager like me.

I think Gaga could tell that I wanted to say something, because she kept her eyes on me until I finally gained the courage to break the silence. I mumbled the words hoping she wouldn't hear.

"Please don't leave me."

Gaga suddenly looked like she wanted to start crying. I felt so bad after that. I always made everyone upset. What was wrong with me?
She then said something I didn't expect.

"Nicole, baby, listen to me. I will never ever leave you, I promise. I could never live with myself if anything else happened to you. If you need anything I will always be here. Forever"

I didn't know what to think.
Her voice was definitely convincing, but did she really mean it? She was one of the biggest pop stars in the world, how could she devote so much of her life to me? I was just your average fan with nothing else to live for. I didn't know whether or not to believe her.
But in my mind, something told me that she meant what she said, so I did.

I smiled at her before turning back around. She immediately embraced me and whispered in my ear.
"I love you."
She placed a kiss on my temple before bringing me closer to her.
I didn't have the energy to say anything more, so I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

I felt so safe in her arms, and I was able to sleep soundly through the rest of the night.


Hey guys! I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you enjoyed it! I have a few ideas on where this story could go so stay tuned! Also I love when Gaga gets super close with fans and it really makes my heart melt so I'll probably be writing a ton of these little cute adorable scenes and hopefully you love them as much as I do. Thanks for reading!!
PS: Story suggestions are always welcome!

XO, JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now