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I woke up in my bed really confused. What the heck just happened. I looked to the side and saw an adorable sleeping felix next to me. I think he felt me moving because he was starting to wake up. He faced me and his face was all beat up and cut."OMG FELIX WHAT HAPPENED. "

Felix's pov

I showed Katrina the pictures that I found in namjoons pocket and I saw her face go super pale. Then her eyes closed and she started falling. I grabbed her before she could fall. I didn't want her to get hurt. I have to go see master yoongi tomorrow to tell him I quit this job. I don't want him doing anything to Katrina.

I held Katrina bridal style while putting her into my car. I closed the door after I seat belted her in. I turned around and there was namjoon staring at me with the death glare. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me back into my car.

"You have something of mine. " he told me through gritted teeth. I just stared at him because I wasn't going to let him scare me into doing what he wants. He punched me hard in the face. "GIVE ME MY PICTURES AND MY GIRL. " he yelled right into my ear. I kneed him in the dick and he fell. Then I kicked his face. I tried to run but he grabbed my leg and I fell on my face right onto the cement. It hurt like a bitch. He turned me over and just started beating the shit out of my face.

I managed to catch one of his punches and I grabbed his hand and I used his hand and my leg to throw him off of me. I ran into my car and drove Katrina home. I looked through my mirror to see a now unconscious namjoon laying on the floor.

Who the hell is that desperate to the point where they literally stalk someone outside their house. I really like Katrina but I would never invade her privacy like that.

I wasn't sure where Katrina lived so I got her backpack and looked for her schedule. I put the address in my phone and drove her home.

When I got their I looked through her pockets and found her key. I unlocked the door and brought her inside. Their was only one bedroom so I supposed it was hers. I laid her down in bed.

I took off her jacket and shoes so she could be comfortable. I put the blanket over her. She looked so adorable. I walked off to find her bathroom to wash up.

Damn. That namjoon left some pretty good damage.

I finished washing up but their were still bruises and cuts. I decided to go to sleep. I wanted to be close to Katrina because I can't bare to see something happen to her. Before I could lay down though I got a phone call.

It was master yoongi.

*on the phone*

F:hello sir

Y:hello my child. According to my spies you and namjoon had a pretty rough time.

F:y-yes sir

Y: I see. Well have you made the target your friend.

How dare he call her a target. She is so much more that what I previously thought.

F: yes I did but I need to tell you something sir.

Y: go on

F: I can't go through with this mission

I heard the fury rise in his breathing and his voice.


F: sir. Katrina is amazing and I think I have fallen for her and I won't let you do anything to her.


*end of call*

I hung up before he could finish. I then blocked his number. I fell back onto the bed and pulled Katrina towards me. It felt right to have her in my arms. Before I knew it I fell asleep but then was awoken but Katrina tossing and turning.

I giggled a bit and caressed her face. I pulled her closer and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Nothing my love."

She didn't let me just tell her nothing. I was about to explain when I heard a knock on the door. Katrina got up to open it and I slowly got up to see who it was.

Katrina opened the door and was immediately punched in the face. She was unconscious and in someone's arms. The person shut the door and I ran for it. I opened it and I saw a beat up namjoon putting Katrina into a van. I ran after him but he blasted off.

I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of the license plate. I went back inside and hacked into every single security camera in this town.

I will find you Katrina

And that's a promise
A/N: why does lee Felix have to be so amazing 😂❤️

Goodbye loves❤️💕till next time


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