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As we finally arrived at the hospital they took both me and felix into the emergency room. They cleaned up both of our wounds but told us that we had to stay the night just to make sure everything was ok.

They moved my bed so that I could be next to felix. He was still past out so I just laid there staring at him thinking wow this boy literally saved my life.

This thought kept going through my head over and over until I heard my name being called so softly I almost missed it. I looked to where my name was being called and I saw that felix was slowly waking up. I reached over and interlocked our hands as he stared at me with his eyes slowly opening.

"Hey Felix. " all he did was smile and look at me. He started to look at his surroundings and I could tell he didn't know where we were at.

"We are at the hospital felix. " I told him while caressing his hand with my thumb. He looked as if he was thinking about it and it's as if a switch clicked in his mind. His expression look angry.

He looked at me with sincerity and concern. "Is namjoon dead. " he told me bluntly. I just nodded not wanting to remember tonight.

After a while of us just laying there holding hands felix randomly says "Katrina will you be my girlfriend. " my eyes widened with shock and excitement. "Y-yes yes I would love that. " he smiled wide and squeezed my hand a little tighter.

*the next day*

They released us from the hospital and  we made our way to my house. Once we got there we sat down and watched a movie relieved to be out of that hospital.

Halfway during the movie felix started moving a lot as if he was looking for something. Then he turned to me and without and note or warning kissed me. I immediately kissed back.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and deepened the kiss. After a minute he pulled apart and he had a ring in his hand.

"Katrina. This is a promis ring that I wanted to give you. I wanted to give this to you to promise you that I will always be here and I will never leave you. Also I want us to get married someday. "

I felt tears beginning in my eyes. His words were so sweet. All I did was nod as he slid the ring on my finger. This was the start of a new beginning.


A/N:  The next chapter is gonna be the last and I will be making a second book to this so stay tuned 😂😂😂

Goodbye loves❤️💕till next time


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