The abondoned warehouse

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Felix's pov

I searched every security camera I could find and there was still nothing. No sign of the car nor the license plate.
I have one more camera to look at. It better be this one.

I took in a deep breath and clicked on the footage. "THERE THERE IT IS OMG HERE IT IS. "

I will find you Katrina but I need a plan but I'm not sure your gonna like it. Time to make a phone call.

*on the phone*
???: I never would have expected you to call me.
F:neither did I but I need your help.
???: what makes you think I would help you after what you did
F: I will do anything I promise but Katrina is in trouble
???: May I ask what happened
F:It was namjoon. He kidnapped her. You can finally have your shot at him now but can you please help me
???: We have a deal but just so you know I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it to get at namjoon
F: i understand. Thank you master yoongi

*end phone call*

I texted master the address and told him to meet me there.

After a few minutes the door bell rang and I practically jumped and ran to it.
"Hello master. " all he did was nod and walk in. I walked and moved my hand at yoongi signaling to follow me. He did and I made my way to Katrinas dining room where I had my laptop.

I showed yoongi the video.

"Omg I know exactly where that is. " I gave him a look that showed where the fuck is it then bitch(😂😂). "He is going to an old abandoned warehouse. It's where I would go as a kid and practice things like singing and stuff."

I nodded and I tried holding in a laugh. For yoongi being all tough I wouldn't expect him as a kid singing. It's just funny to think about.

"Ok we need to get over there now before something happens to her." Yoongi nodded and we went in the car. I allowed yoongi to drive only because he knew where we were going.

I'm coming for you Katrina

Katrinas pov

My eyes slowly started to open but it was difficult. When I finally got them open I looked around and I didn't recognize where I was. I attempted to stand up but I was tied up. There was string on my hands and on my ankles attaching me to this chair. There was also string around my stomach area and duck tape on my mouth.

I looked around where I was at and I couldn't process any location that I know of. It was a dark room with grass and flowers growing on the ground and on the walls. The lights were barely even there. I was also surrounded my boxes which gave me a big Clue that I was in a warehouse.

It's obviously abandoned though. Why and who would take me here.

As if they were reading my mind, he walked in with a huge smile on his face.
"Na— w—wbekhwje—wheievekje"
My words sounded like mumbles in the tape. I couldn't tell him what I was going to anymore.

"Shush my love. Your only hurting yourself. But now that you are here with me, no one will hurt you since you are mine forever."

I felt myself going on the verge of tears. Namjoon stepped a few steps closer to where I was and slowly pulled of the tape. "Namjoon where the fuck are we?How did I get here?What are you gonna do to me?How did you and why did you get those creepy pictures of me?"

I had so many questions I needed to ask him. "I will answer anything you want if you give me a kiss for each question. "

I was hesitant on saying yes but I knew it was the only way I could get my answers. I was so afraid to talk so all I did was nod. His face had such a devilish smirk it made me want to cry.

He gave me a face that said go on. "Where the hell are we and how did I get here. " all he did was laugh and look at me. He bent down to put some of my hair behind my ear. He stared at me for a bit so I gave him and look that said I'm gonna kill you little bitch. He took a quick step back.

"Since you can't escape here I guess there is no harm in telling you. We are at an abandoned warehouse that barely anyone knows about and no one comes to. I chose this place to re assure that you are with me forever. " as he talked her slowly bent down and started to caress my cheek. I tried moving my head but it was difficult to move.

He now had both hands on my cheeks and he pulled my face in for a kiss. I didn't kiss back. All I did was sit there  and cry. I pulled away and looked at me with concern. "You can't be crying my love. This is gonna be your life from now on so you have to deal with it. "

My eyes started burning so much. He caressed the top of my head as I cried. " what are you g-going to do t-t-to me. " I asked him trying not to stutter but failed. He went up to me and kissed my forehead. "I'm not gonna hurt you princess. I'm going to treat you like a queen. "

He gave me a quick kiss this time instead of the long one he did last time. Even though this kiss lasted only a second, it still made me cry. " how and w-why did you get those pics of m-me. "

His smile turned into a smirk almost immediately. He started to walk away and I just stared in confusion. He walked up to a shorter stack of boxes and got something from on top of them. They were scissors. He slowly walked up to me while the smirk never left his face.

"No no please don't hurt me. I'll do anything please. HELP HELP! PLEASE PLMMMMMMMMMM." He used his hand to cover my mouth. He put the pointed part of the scissors on my chest. He slowly opened them and I just closed my eyes to afraid to see what he would do.

I kept them close then




Goodbye loves❤️💕till next time


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