one: kirstin pov

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That word was so beautiful, and it meant the world to me. And I wanted to be apart of Pentatonix for my whole life. I loved those four boys with all my heart. We found each other, and we were made for each other.

Avi especially. We had been married for five years, and had no issues with our love combined with our celebrity status. And from what I knew, neither did Scott and Mitch.

We were on our fourth international tour; this time, our first stadium tour. And we were currently in France.

"Ugh, I love France! It's just... wow." Mitch exclaimed. I watched Scott's eyes melt as he looked at Mitch. I was so happy they were a couple; they were a match made in heaven.

Avi put his arm around me. I felt my heart swoon. "Let's get to the stadium."

We hopped in our bus and left. When we started tour, they asked if we wanted a limo this time. We declined, although we were tempted (especially Mitch), we wanted to take a bus. It felt a bit more humble.

We arrived at the arena, and there was already a small crowd gathered around.

Kevin grinned. "Can we go and talk to them?" He begged Esther. Esther was our tour manager, and she was doing a great job. Esther smiled and nodded before giving Kevin a kiss on the cheek.

Kevin ran out, Avi and I following right behind. Scott and Mitch walked out slowly, their arms around each other.

I ran to greet the fans. "Kirstin! Oh my god!" All of them were shouting.

I signed a few posters, recurved a few letters, and took some pictures.

We got into the stadium, set up, and did our show. It was amazing. The last song of the night was "Telephone." That song never failed to make all of us smile.

The next morning, we got on the plane back to America. We had three more shows: Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia.

As we were flying, I looked out the window. I admired to bright blue skies, dotted with clouds. I watched the ocean below us, and it was beautiful. Suddenly, it was dark.

I turned to Avi. He was asleep. "Avi, wake up!" I quietly whispered. He woke up with a yawn.

"What? What....." He noticed the complete gray darkness outside. We looked at the other three. They were all awake, and completely confused.

"What's happening?" Mitch exclaimed.
Immediately, turbulence started. The plane shook violently. The other passengers screamed.

I looked at our row. It was us, and one man sitting alone. An announcement came on.

"It appears we're caught in a storm cloud, do not panic. We will be out of this in...... about 9 minutes."

I sighed. I hoped the pilot wasn't lying. I looked at the window. I saw electricity flashing in the clouds. Except it wasn't the typical color.

My eyes widened. I tapped Avi on the shoulder. "Look," I pointed out the window, "the lightning.."

It was a multicolored mess. Pink, green, blue, yellow, and somehow, black. The black lightning was terrifying, but beautiful. The colors were all so distinct. I looked at my friends. All of us were staring, wide-eyed at the colorful energy outside my window.

Suddenly, as we watched, the five lightning colors struck each of us. I watched the green hit Mitch, then the blue hit Scott, the yellow hit Kevin, the black hit Avi.

I felt a jolt of energy. The pink hit me. I heard a ringing noise fill my bones, and there was a flash of minor pain before I felt my hair raise, and my eyes filled with light. I looked at my friends, and their eyes were filled with light too.

The man sitting on the other edge also had light in his eyes. It was red. But I couldn't see his face at all.

The light went away. And darkness consumed me as I passed out. And as consciousness left my body, I saw all of us collapse simultaneously.

There's the first chapter! Yay!!!! I hope you guys will like it. I have their powers planned out and... you guys will love it. Thanks for the support and love. <3

PS do u like the picture at the top? I made it myself :) and I'm proud

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