three: kevin pov

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"The storm." Avi nodded. I was in shock. How could I have done this? I was just the beatboxer for a world-renowned acapella band! And now I can control the temperature.

"Wow, Kevin that's amazing!" Scott exclaimed. "Do you think we all have these powers?"

"If we can all control the temperature, that would get a bit boring," Mitch commented, "I wonder if we even have powers. Maybe Kevin's just special. I mean, more than usual."

I laughed. I was filled with joy. I mean, years of being 'the beatboxer' and not really the 'lead singer' and now I was the first person to discover I had magical powers. Superpowers? That would be cool.

"If we all have powers, we could be like.. X-Men!" Avi exclaimed. "But the acapella knockoff."

They all laughed.

Kirstin frowned. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What do we do now? I mean, do we tell people?" She asked. We thought.

"I think we should wait to see if we all have powers. And then we perfect them. Then we defeat some huge crime, and then tell everyone, Pentatonix has superpowers!" Scott exclaimed with a little clap.

"Will they do testing on us though?" Mitch shuddered at the thought of it. "We're not experiments."

"We won't let them," Avi assured Mitch with a pat on the back. I smiled.

"We're together on this, guys," I said, taking their hands. We all joined hands. Scott and Kirstin, whose hands I took, snatched their hands away.

"Cold!" Scott exclaimed.

"Hot..." Kirstin argued. I realized I needed to be more careful about that. I changed the temperature to normal body temperature and took their hands.

"We got this," Scott said, "Pentatonix on three." We put our hands in.

"One, two, three," Kirstin counted.

"Pentatonix!" We sang, harmonizing. That was a neat trick we had.

The next day, we had a concert. During "Aha!", something happened. Mitch was singing his beautiful solo.

"No one saw it coming,"

We all prepared for his amazing high notes. But then something unexpected occurred.

As he sang his "A-ha"s, his hair whipped. But there was no wind. Until there was. Air swirled around him. It was barely visible, but we could tell the audience could see it. The four of us kept on our singing but watched him carefully.

It was like a tornado. It swirled around him. On his highest note, it soared upwards and across the crowd.

"Cost you to keep me quiet." It stopped. There was no wind. It was still.

On the la, la, la, la's, the wind swept back and forth across the stage in front of us, rippling our clothes. When the song ended, it stopped. The audience cheered louder than it ever had for that song. It was ear shattering.

Luckily, Scott explained the wind. "Aren't those effects amazing?" He laughed, fear clear in his voice. We didn't want them to know yet. "And of course, my darling Mitch Grassi was amazing as always too." He gave Mitch a quick peck on the cheek, making the audience explode with cheers.

After the show, we all gathered backstage. "So, that was insane," I commented. We all stared at Mitch.

"I guess I have a power too." He smiled.

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