four: mitch pov

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I took a deep breath. "I guess I have a power too." I grinned. I mean, it's insane! To have a superpower? That thing never happens!

"But what really happened?" I asked, "I was kinda zoned out."

"During "Aha!" you made the air dance! It swirled and flew around.. it was amazing!" Kirstin exclaimed. I grinned. That was cool. Really cool.

"So I guess you can control air," Avi stated. We all nodded. "Does that mean you can fly?" He smiled like a little kid. I hadn't even thought of that! "Let's try!" I exclaimed.

We went outside after we changed out of our tour clothes, and found an empty parking lot. Nobody was around.

"You go, Mitch!" Scott exclaimed. "Thank you Scooter," I responded, "Love you."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I focused, and felt the air around us swirl. I directed it under me, and it flew up, lifting me into the air. I was only about 3 feet off the ground, but if was amazing. I opened my eyes to see my friends in awe below me.

"If only those asses from school could see me now!" I exclaimed, and flew around for a bit, the air carrying me. I closed my eyes, and harnessed the air below me.

And then I opened them. My friends were ants. I was almost in the clouds. And it was beautiful. I lowered myself a bit to be able to see my friends. They were amazed. I looked around. There was a man behind them. He was wearing a dark hoodie, the hood pulled up over his head. He was kinda frightening. I blinked and he was gone.

I wanted to tell my friends, but I would want to worry them. I decided to shake it from my head. And then I had an idea. I harnessed more wind, and lifted my friends up to be with me.

"Wow!!! This is insane, man!" Kevin exclaimed.

I watched as my friends' eyes were watering. I didn't mean for the wind to do that.

"Sorry, the wind's getting in your eyes." They shook their heads. "It's just so, so beautiful, Mitch. Thank you. Thank you so, so much. It's amazing." Scott thanked me. I had the wind pull him close to me, and I gave him a kiss.

"All right, stop being so romantic!" Kirstin exclaimed. We pulled away from each other, and saw the smiling faces of our friends. I smiled.

I was so lucky. To make it out of the daily bullying, to make friends with these people who used to be strangers to me, and to have a career that I enjoy and get to entertain people. And now, I have a superpower? It didn't seem fair. But I was grateful. And I loved these people.

And then everything was warm surrounding us.

"Kevin!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, the temperature's following how my heart feels right now." He said with a grin.

"God, that's cheesy, bro," Avi scorned. Kevin shrugged.

"People might see us up here," Kirstin realized, "Can we go down?"

I nodded. I safely lowered us to the ground. They all hugged me.

"Thank you for that amazing experience."


I woke up the next morning with a note from Scott.

Went to Kirstin and Avi's room. Meet me there. Love, Scott

I got dressed quickly and went to the room next door. My four best friends were sitting there.

"Hi." Kevin greeted me. Avi was on a laptop, likely working on a song, and Scott and Kirstin were cuddled together, nearly asleep. I smiled.

"Move it, Tay, he's my man." I teased and gave them both a kiss on the forehead. Scott smiled, making my heart melt. I sat in a chair next to Kevin.

"What's going on?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Just chilling."
I nodded. We did that a lot together. It was great to have friends that you could just... exist with. No need for constant conversation.
"Can I also?" I requested, not really needing an answer.
"No get out we hate you," Scott sleepily mumbled. I smiled. "Yeah, love you too Scotty."

Avi stood up. He tapped Kirstin on the shoulder. "Do you want to go to the park with me?"

She sat up, and yawned. "Yeah, let me put on some makeup."

"Do you need it, though? You're beautiful." He complimented her.
She glared at him. "I know I'm beautiful. I do makeup because I want to," She have him a little peck on the nose, "I've told you a million times. But thank you. You're beautiful too." He let out a little laugh. "Thanks."

They head out after half an hour, and the three of us just sat quietly.

"Can we turn down the lights?" Scott asked. "No!" I exclaimed, "And wake up, it's almost ten! Our show is at three."

The lights went down. "What?!" I exclaimed.

"Thankssss," Scott mumbled. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black.
"Did you do that?" Kevin asked. "No." I replied.

"Scott, wake up!" I exclaimed.
"Whyyyyyy," he complained.
"You turned off the lights!" I exclaimed. 
He woke up, and suddenly, it was bright again. We were silently making eye contact.

"What... Did I-" Scott was cut off.
"You can control light!" Kevin exclaimed.
"Wooooo," Scott said, and promptly fell asleep. Luckily, he left the lights on. I smiled. Now my husband had a power too. Only Kavi was left now!

I thought I posted this a few days ago, but I didn't, so this is a bit late. It's ok though.

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