six: avi pov

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I couldn't believe I found my power- it was amazing! I loved it, I mean, I had always felt at peace with nature. And now, I was so intertwined with nature, I felt blessed. It was incredible.

I couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy of Kirstie, nonetheless. She still hadn't found her power, when all of us had one. It must be painful, or at least annoying. Maybe she didn't have one.

The only thing I could think would be a reason for her not having a power would be that she's already too perfect. I loved her so much.

We were currently driving to the location of our next show. I was excited; I was always excited for shows. I got to perform with my best friends (one of them being my wife!) in front of thousands of adoring fans. It had been my dream ever since I was that kid auditioning for roles in his school's opera and not making the cast list.

And now look where I was. I looked at the huge arena, and I felt my heart grow warm with pride and anticipation.

"Let's go in!" Exclaimed Kirstin. I nodded, and we went in.

A few hours later, the show began. We sang and sang and sang, like songbirds at dawn. During Evolution of Ariana Grande, I looked out into the audience. In the front row was a mysterious figure in a black hood. I decided to ignore the person and continue singing.

"When raindrops fall.." Mitch began his brief solo interlude. I glanced back at the audience. Everyone in the front was screaming, and pushing forwards. They pushed the figure forwards, and the person knocked their head. They looked at me, and I heard a high pitched ringing and silence before my head started to hurt. It was as if... I knocked my head.

I quickly rubbed my head, and the pain went away. We continued the concert, and I tried to ignore what had just happened.

After we finished the concert, I gathered everyone backstage.

"Guys, something happened while we were onstage."

Kirstin frowned. "Yeah, my powers didn't show up is what happened."

"Yeah, but this is more important-"
I was cut off, and immediately regret my words.

"Really? It's more important than all of you being these magical superheroes and me just being left behind? More important than these insane powers you all have that I somehow don't?" She argued, standing up and facing me.

I looked away. "Look, honey,"

"Don't 'honey' me! That was mean."

"I'm sorry. Really. I love you so much."

She forced away a smile. "I know. It's okay. Just tell us what's wrong."

I held her hand. "Thank you," turning back to the rest of the band I explained, "I saw someone. I think they might've had a power too."

They all gasped. "Who was it?" Scott asked frantically. I shrugged.

Kirstin and Mitch looked guilty. I directed my attention at them.
"What's wrong with you guys?"
"Well..." Mitch started, "I might've seen him earlier."

I was shocked. He saw someone and didn't tell us?! "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to worry you; it was right before we flew. I didn't wanna ruin the mood, you know?"

I supposed I understood. "Well, what did you see?" Kevin inquired.

"I was in the air. I saw him-"

"Wait, how do you know it was a him?" Asked Kirstin. He nodded.

"I saw them, just looking shady. I blinked, and they were gone."

"Teleportation- or invisibility!" Scott exclaimed.

I shook my head. "That's not the power I saw. He transferred his pain to me."

They were all amazed, fear filling their eyes.

"Well, what about you, Kirstin?" Asked Mitch.

"I saw him that day on the plane." She admitted. "He was the one in the row with us! When we were struck by our colors of lightning, he was too- he was struck with red lightning."

We were all dumbstruck.

"You guys should've communicated this earlier!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Yes, but now we have our powers. We can defeat him- if he's even like, evil." Mitch said.

"I don't." Kirstin said.

Practically Strangers II: Practically SuperheroesWhere stories live. Discover now