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Hey guys! I'm back, so sorry that I'm slacking. I get homework every single day, and I'm just busy with personal things. I think I am going to get back on track and start posting once or twice a week though, so comment and let me know what you think. I hope you guys haven't forgotten about this book, but yeah, I just wanted to say that. I will be writing on my phone and this will not be edited. Happy readings! xx


Luke POV

Tiffany : Luke won't be able to drop by, stuff came up. Text you tm though xx

A text lit up on my phone screen. Of course she bails, she hasn't been herself lately. We have been drifting, and it's normally me having to start the conversations now. I through my phone on my bed and continued on playing Fifa with Jai. All I could think about was what was going on with tiffany. I don't even know why I care so much, but I do. I need to know what's going on.

"OYY BRO! THAT COULD'VE FUCKING WENT IN!" Jai screams at the tv.

Suddenly I get a call from one of my friends Rina. I answer my phone.

"Luke?" She asks.

"It's me. What's up?" I say putting my controller down.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Her voice becomes pitched a bit.

I thought about it, and since my plans flopped I should probably go.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about going with Jai." He looks up at me.

"Alright, I'll see you there?" She says giggling.

"Yup. Ciao!" I say hanging up the phone. Why did she even call me? I barely talk to her.

I decided to get ready. It's shitty weather so I through on a nike jump, and some jeans, I also quiffed my hair and through on a SnapBack back words. Jai was still playing Fifa, I through a pillow at him and he flipped shit. I laughed and went to the lounge. Beau was sitting on the couch.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" He says with his eyes glued to his phone.

"Yeah." I say plopping on the couch.

"Where's tiff?" Still with his eyes glue to his phone.

"Home, where else would she be?" I spat at him.

"No need to be sassy lukey, thought she was gonna be with you or something." He shrugged.

"Yeah well she isn't." I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Twitter.

About 20 minutes later Jai comes out to the lounge and asks us if we are ready to leave. We nodded and left to the party. When we got there the party house was fucking HUGE. The kid hosting the party and I use to be high school buddies. So I'd say we are pretty close. "Luke!" Someone yelled my name and I turned to see who it is, it was Rina and her friends. "Hey!" I said leaning in for a hug. "Let's get something to drink, yeah?" She says as she grabs my hand, and I followed her.

How am I already wasted after 8 shots and 2 cans of beer? I think I kissed some girls, I don't remember. The music was loud, hot girls dancing, drinks spilling, a ping pong table down there and some cocaine snorting over there. It was hot in here, I decided to get some air. I went out front I can hear the music faintly, I sat on the side walk and put my head in my hands. I stayed like that for about 5 minutes. My phone was vibrating so I began to pull it out. 20 text messages, 7 missed calls all from Tiffany. Oh, look who's calling. I answer it, "hello luke?" She sounds like she has been crying.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask.

It goes silent for a moment.

"Tiffany, are you there?" I ask some what worried.

"Oh Sorry uhm.. Luke.. I'm pregnant."


And you're being left off with a cliff hanger! I hope this didn't go by to fast. And this is a pretty short chapter, but I hoped you enjoyed look out for an update sometime after this. xx

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