Chapter Thirty Two: Sam Loses His Charm

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There were at least five of the massive airships now casting a shadow over the land. It was beginning to look like they would not be able to outrun them.

"I am ordering the driver to pick up the speed!" TyrAnna yelled.

"No Mother we can't leave them behind!" Candillice argued pointing to the group of Tigris towns people that were walking behind them. The driver stopped.

"Why did you stop!?" TyrAnna hissed.

"Something's in the way your majesty," the driver replied. They all looked out to see a pile of large rocks covering the road.

"What?! Those were not there before!" Queen TyrAnna screamed.

It was looking like they would have to leave the Carriage and try and make it to the gate on foot as a large shadow was creeping towards the carriage.

"Those airships cast a shadow that enables the Grotesques to attack at full force and under the cover of complete darkness!" TyrAnna stated with great fear in her voice. The fact that it was night time was bad enough but without the bright star light it would be even worse Sam thought.

"That White Knight chap definitely was not lying about the Grotesques. The scouts on the wall must have spotted a very large force nearby and lit the warning fires!" Carlyle stated. Sam looked towards the wall and he spotted that all along the wall fires were lit.

"It is over then. . . There is but one thing we can do," TyrAnna said. She stood up from her seat and pulled a lever on the ceiling. From the floor below a small pedestal appeared containing a small grey spherical shaped gem. TyrAnna stared at Sam with a fear in her eyes that she tried to hide.

"Samuel Gusterson I order you to charm this relic immediately!"

"No we can't do this Mother!" Candillice protested.

"Why not Candy? What's it do Carl?" June asked.

"This entire carriage is a relic. . . it's exterior can become hardened like a shell, we should be quite safe inside," Carlyle explained. TyrAnna turned to Carlyle and hissed at him with great ferocity.

"NO MORE QUESTIONS NOW DO IT!" Tyranna ordered.

"No Mother what about the others outside!" Candillice yelled.

"Can't do it Ma'am," Sam said. He looked at the Tigris outside as the shadow approached them. The darkness of the night was pitch black.

"We should try and fit them in here!" Sam said.

TyrAnna looked like she was about to blow her fuse however surprisingly instead of bursting with rage she jumped out of the carriage.

"Look everyone it's the Queen!" One of the Tigris following the carriage yelled. The same group that was part of the mob earlier gathered. They became angry and started to look for branches and stones to throw at her.

TyrAnna simply glared her teeth at them, she grinned as she towered over them. She was clearly more powerful, they would be no match for her in a fight. The shadow was creeping fast towards them, TyrAnna lunged at the Tigris grabbing as many as she could in her arms and threw them into the carriage. She had to do this several times before the carriage was packed full. When she returned she pushed some of the Tigris out of her way.

She then grabbed Sam to place him in front of the sphere.

"Now do it!" TyrAnna ordered. Sam was becoming afraid, he could see the shadow approach them and how dark it had become outside.

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