Chapter Thirty Three: The Grotesques Attack

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The peeling sounds intensified and soon they could see outside the windows looking at a horde of at least one hundred Grotesques that surrounded the Carriage. At the front of the carriage there were a group of four Grotesques taunting the war cats. Their armour was failing and it peeled away and then came a loud snap which was their ropes breaking. The war cats were free to chase their tormentors off into the distance.

TyrAnna was screaming at Sam. He tried and tried but fear overwhelmed him.

"Fix it now!" TyrAnna yelled.

"Why wont it light up again?" June asked.

"I don't know it's like something is draining it," Sam replied.

Sam tried to focus on the relic but suddenly the stomping returned. This time it was the sound of a very large Grotesques running towards them. The spherical gem was once again grey and lifeless, drained of all of its energy. Sam was afraid and thought perhaps his gift did have a limit. Upon this realization his claws came out of his fingers. Sam looked at his claws but also noticed the other Tigris in the carriage had the same response with their claws coming out as well. Candillice grabbed her sword and Carlyle reached for his shield and whip. Everyone was preparing for a fight, it was the only option left to survive.

The very large Grotesques rammed the carriage, it went into a roll leaving it's bottom side exposed. The Tigris were disoriented from the rolling and could not hear the hole being torn into the carriage by two Grotesques who were both carrying large bags. They reached into the hole and grabbed two handfuls of Tigris.

"Poor little things huh Durwip!" Ragurg said.

"Off to the Mines with these ones Haha!" Durwip said, throwing them in his bag.

"Aye never to see the surface again," Ragurg replied as he reached in to grab some more. They had grabbed most of the Tigris towns people and placed them in bags when Durwip reached in and grabbed June who was kicking and screaming.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Durwip screamed dropping June.

"No! Not her!" Ragurg yelled. He felt the large bump on his head he still had from his last encounter with June. They did not know that she only had enhanced strength due to the Genetic Harp, which was with Toido and nowhere near June at this time.

"Scared of Small things?" Another large Grotesque said coming from behind them. It was Lurkis. He was the Grotesque who had lifted the carriage on its side.

"It. .It's. . . her!" Durwip whimpered.

Lurkis looked at June, she was both angry and frightened after being dropped on the ground by Durwip. He reached for June and grabbed to pick her up as Ragurg and Durwip watched anxiously. But to their surprise Lurkis was able to pick June up with ease, they were relieved as he placed her in his bag. "Thanks Lurkis!" Ragurg said.

"You saved us!" Durwip said. Lurkis ripped open the driver compartment and grabbed the driver and the generals. He also threw them in his bag.

The generals saw June was in the bag with them and that she was crying.

"Do something about this!" One of them asked.

"Just as I thought! She's just a useless furless child!" Another said.

Lurkis saw that some struggle was going on inside the carriage, he rolled it over a few times more before he pushed it towards Ragurg and Durwip. Ragurg reached in and grabbed Candillice and then Durwip reached in and grabbed Carlyle. Candillice reached for her sword and pulled it out but was stopped when Lurkis grabbed it. She recognized Lurkis from the Temple and could see that Lurkis still had his shattered tooth from her last encounter with him.

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