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When dawn broke Bellamy and Octavia were standing at the electric fence waiting for Raven to turn off the fence. "Clarke, you should stay here," Bellamy said hardly glancing to the blonde women. "What? Why? I have the map I can get us in and out of Mount. Weather faster than you think I can," she said in protest. Bellamy shook his head and watched as his sister slipped out between the fence wires and ran to the forest so she would be hidden from the eyes of the patrolling guards.
"Look, I need to go. The guards are going to be back any second Clarke." Bellamy said slipping out between the wires and hardly looking back to her. "You're not going to Mount. Weather are you? You're going after that grounder." Clarke concluded making Bellamy sigh. He didn't want to admit to anyone that he was in fact going after Amethyst. She was supposed to be his enemy, but after everything she did for Octavia, after the amount of times the women had saved them from threats they didn't even know where coming - he couldn't bring himself to dislike her.
"We'll be back as soon as we can," was all Bellamy replied with, before turning and running in the direction of his sister. The two of them had no game plan, they just knew the general direction in which Amethyst went. So, there only plan was to find the girl before she did something she would regret, because if she went into Mount. Weather - she was never coming back out.
Octavia led the way to Amethyst and Lincoln's village, they would go there and gather some supplies before they left to go get Amethyst. They knew the women didn't always keep a lot on her, so they figured they would get some things for her because she would never return to the village, or another like it for a long time. Their trek was long and mostly silent, Octavia was growing anxious, she didn't know if they would get to Amethyst in time before the women did something stupid. Bellamy knew that his sisters mind was racing a mile a minute so he never questioned her when she was leading the two of them through the vast forest - instead he held his gun ready to take down a threat.
The two siblings felt like they couldn't breathe when they stepped out into the clearing to the small village. "She really lost everything," Octavia whispered looking around at the people who laid dead before them. "She said her mother was all she had, and this is her," Bellamy said softly, turning the women over from her spot protecting a small child. A long necklace made of deer hide and beads laid around the womens neck making Bellamy turn to Octavia. "Do you think your friend would want to have this? Before someone comes and takes everything left in the village?" he asked, Octavia nodded before sadly walking away to explore the small paths of the village.
She came across a small path that lead away from all the other tiny homes. "Hey Bell, come here," Octavia called to her brother. Before he could answer her, she started to walk down the path. Bellamy quickly stood up from his knelt position and ran after his sister, the two quietly walked down the path. They were unsure of what they were going to find when they got to the end of the path, and part of Bellamy was nervous to find out the answer. But all they found, was a small wooden building with a cloth door. Smoke was coming out from the chimney in the roof. "Anyone home?" Bellamy called out before either of the siblings made a move to go inside.
But all they got was silence. There was no shuffling inside, not sound of light muffled breathing or even light footsteps, complete silence. Bellamy grabbed the fabric of the cloth and slowly pulled it away from the doorway and stepped inside, Octavia following him. Inside was a smoldering fire, around a day old. Two small cot beds, a few stools and a small table covered in trinkets, wooden bowls and metal cups. A pile of spare clothes perfectly folded at the bottom of one of the cots, and at the bottom of the other, a pile of arrows the feathers at the bottom raven and blue bird feathers.
"Amethyst lived here," Octavia said finally. She picked up one of the arrows and ran her fingers along the feathers. "Her mother made her arrows while she was away. An arrow a day, everyday until she returned for a visit." Octavia recalled Amethyst telling her about her arrows when they were training almost a month ago. "We should take these," Octavia finally said looking up to her brother, the man nodded. "She'd like that," he replied with a soft smile.
Octavia grabbed a handful of almost 50 arrows and placed them into the bag Bellamy was carrying over his shoulder. "Anything else here she should have?" Bellamy asked his sister looking around. He couldn't picture Amethyst living here. He couldn't picture her living anywhere actually. Amethyst was a free spirit, a wander who never stayed in one place to too long. "Here," Octavia said picking up a pair of pants and a shirt. "She should change," she added in. Bellamy nodded his head in response and took the clothes, stuffing them into the bag as well.
"We should go, unless we want to fall even further behind Amethyst than we already are," Bellamy said grabbing a pale of water from beside the door and pouring it onto the burning embers. Octavia nodded in agreement and followed behind her brother, they quickly left the village in the direction that Amethyst has gone only a day prior - hoping to god they weren't too far behind the women.
Amethyst decided one of the best things she could do for herself was take a day break. She needed supplies, water and something to eat. Her horse needed to rest and eat as much as e could before they traveled to Mount Weather together, something that would probably be her last journey. The women spent her day close to the cave she spent the night in, not wanting to stray too far. She may be the Commander of light, but even with a respected title, there were still people that wanted to kill her grounders and reapers alike.
She was leaning against the outside of the cave letting the sunrays dance along her sun kissed face, when she heard the voices of familiar siblings. "Amethyst!" she heard Octavia exclaim. The teenager took off running towards the women before she could even stand. Octavia tackled the grounder to the forest floor in a hug making Amethyst groan. She awkwardly patted Octavias shoulder making the girl pull back and sit across from her.
"I thought I told you not to come after me this time," Amethyst said with a sigh. "That was directed towards both of you," she added looking up to Bellamy who was leaning against the outside of the cool cave wall. "We didn't want you to be alone," Octavia said looking to the women.