Chapter Thirty Five: The Shadow's Hold Over Her

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Captain Choleska watched an amazing sight of rainbow coloured energy that was emitted from the space around her star ship. It became brighter opening up in front of her to reveal the hidden planet. She gasped in wonder as the entire crew of the bridge looked ahead to behold the new sight before them. As the sensors indicated the presence of the new world, the Emperors transmission signal reopened, he was watching with great interest.

"I see that you have arrived! Now with the aid of the Ascension drive we can obtain a much greater knowledge about this newly uncovered planet!" the Emperor stated.

Not only was the crew of the ship reading the scan data but a team of scientist on Poladis in a special command centre were analyzing the new data as well.

"We were monitoring the limited data from the Hudson for many months but with the destruction of Captain Gusterson's vessel we have dedicated this entire command centre to monitor your mission," The Emperor stated. This fresh data from within the sector of space was confirming some of their worst fears. Many screens popped up throughout the bridge showing information about the planets surface and what lay underneath.

One of the scientists in the command centre ran up to the emperor and with a very worried voice he yelled.

"The surface is much like that of Earth's but look at the interior! The crust! It's entirely honeycombed, uh, Captain Choleka? My Emperor! The scans are indicating a heavy Virillian population is present! Not good!"

"I am also seeing that there are many Merkabolisks on the surface, placed in very specific locations along the planets natural energy lines. They appear to be feeding some kind of device underneath a massive spire,"

"Um excuse me Captains, My Emperor. . . But if my scans are correct there is a very dangerous weapon built throughout this planet, a weapon of Negatis design!" A Poladean science officer walked up to Captain Choleska to notify her and Captain Gusterson who were at the edge of the bridge viewing the planet.

"We are also receiving the same information here. . . It is as we have feared Captain Gusterson," The Emperor said.

"If this Spire were to be activated it would send all of the energy it has gathered up through the levels of this Harmonic Abode and in the process of doing so it would cause a massive implosion!" The Emperor explained how he and his scientist were interpreting the data.

"That's horrible! If all of the levels collapsed in on each other! The destruction would be unimaginable!" Captain Choleska exclaimed.

"So this spire? . . . Is some kind of a transmitter. . . To send something outside of the Universe," Bradley remarked. He held his chin to think.

"Emperor I think I know what's up here!"Bradley exclaimed.

"What if the second Quartanitz is here on this planet? This would explain why the Spire was built here. And the Virillians. They're planning to send the Quartanitz to the Illinliu!"

"Quartanitz? Wait! Do you mean the same Quartanitz described in the legend of LyrAndal? The crystals that the two young light beings were trapped within?" Captain Choleska asked with wide eyes and bewilderment.

"Yes this is planet Tiyamat and Earth is Gleeyamat the very two sister planets of the Galactic legend!" Bradley replied.

"Reegan was right!" Nallany said with a big smile.

"If this is indeed true, then the situation is very dire! Our readings indicate they now have enough leech to transmit whatever it is they intend. This could destroy our entire Universe! All to send one package . . . . .We must act swiftly! I want you to use the Protolian army and all weapons at your disposal. I want that Spire destroyed by orbital bombardment! These are in fact my orders!" The Emperor commanded.

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