Chapter Fifty Five: It's Not All Happening Just As It Did Before

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"No! It's not all right. . . . " Andrew said.

"Uncle Andrew?" Sam Questioned as he opened his eyes again. He had noticed that his uncle was hiding in the back of the Wagon underneath the table.

"Can you not feel it? The feeling of dread?" Andrew asked him.

"Andruin! What are you doing back there you scum! Get away from Prince Siamisha!" Carlyle yelled. He was coming to stand between them but Andrew stood up quickly pushed a button on the table. 

A thick glass divider was brought down between the seating area at the back and the rest of the the Wagon.

"Siamisha!" Queen TyrAnna shouted as Andrew grabbed Sam.

"You must give me the Quartanitz! I need it now! It's the only way to stop Adimniss!" Andrew shouted.

"You're insane Andrew!" Aughustus said.

"Insane! Insane? Can you not feel it? Can you not sense the approaching doom. . . . She is nearly upon us!" Andrew shouted over the others who were screaming at him to let Sam go.

"Ken open the divider!" Aughustus ordered but just as Ken looked back to see what was going on he saw Adimniss was at the back door of the wagon. 

He was horrified, he swerved the controls away from her path to try and evade but she had her shadow vines gripped firmly around the vehicle. 

Adimniss was pushing the Wagon higher up in Altitude, she then demonstrated her incredible strength by ripping off the back door to the Wagon.

"Sam give me the Quartanitz!" Andrew shouted as he held his scepter towards Sam and grabbed him tightly.

Adimniss reached in with her shadow vines and grabbed Andrew. 

He still had a firm grip on Sam and they were both pulled out of the back of the Wagon. 

It happened so fast that there was nothing anybody could do.

"Siamisha! No! Oh Aughustus it's all happening just as it did before." TyrAnna cried.

"Turn us around Ken!" Aughustus ordered but a storm was forming between Adimniss and the Wagon. 

TyrAnna held onto Aughustus arm as she cried.

For Candillice it brought back memories of a similar night she had heard her mother cry in such a manner lasting all night very loudly for all of the castle to hear.

She remembered that night when she was three years old and how she stood hiding behind her mother when Andruin tried to take the pendant from baby prince Siamisha. 

But Candillice was just a little girl and she could do nothing to help, she could only hide behind her mother.

"I had him back only to be taken again! It's the same as that night," TyrAnna cried as the winds picked up from the storm that was about to consume them.

"It isn't the same," Candillice whispered.

Carlyle felt a tug on his belt and looked down to notice that his whip relic was missing, he looked up to see the side door of the Wagon was open. 

Aughustus jumped and quickly closed the door as the storm hit them.

"I can't fly in this Uncle Brad!" Kenneth screamed.

"OK seat belts everyone were going in for a rough landing!" Aughustus shouted as the storm became too intense for the Wagon to remain in the air.

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