Chapter 5 - A New Identity

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A grin formed on my face when I heard a very familiar screams of stuggle emit itself from the other side of the wall. "Bells! Stop screaming the roof off!" I called.

At this point only Percy was keeping me company. Arya went a long time ago, I think she said she was going back to her own camp, where ever that may be. Annabeth left a few minutes ago when she was got called from Chiron, the camp director, who was by the way a centaur. I bet he thought there was something wrong with my because all I could do was stare at his beard and hooves. He was very welcoming but as you all know, I'm still not sure about all of this.

Percy laughed with me when we heard Bells' response. "Mark? Oh thank God! We're kidnapped! Help me! There are two freaks here trying to kill me, I don't know how but they will definatly kill me!" 

"Shh, Bells. One minute, I'm coming. By the way, calm down a bit then maybe they won't force you too," I said.

The next thing I heard was a loud (not to mention painfilled) angry yell. Ah oh. Me and Percy rushed out of the room and into the one where she was. No doubt surprise was written all over my face. Bells had actually bitten one of the guys, he was on the floor fuming. She on the other hand was sitting right on the edge of the bed, craddling herself with a mask of fear. I made my way over to her and I saw relief replacing the fear from her face.

Without a second thought, I scooped her up in my arms and held her protectively yet gently. I frowned when I felt her shaking. "Why were you so scared?" I whispered into her ears.

"I opened my eyes to see...him" and she pointed at the guy on the ground with the very red tooth marks on his arm and continued, "checking me out. I swear he was too close."

This information made me snap my head towards the piece of dead meat. He squirmed under my blazing eyes. "You what?" I growled, after setting Bells to her feet.

"I-I didn't do anything. Percy, help me out here," he stuggled.

Percy sighed and said, "Marcus, I'm sure he didn't mean to offend her."

"How do you know?" I resorted.

"Because I've known Travis for a long time and he wouldn't do anything like that," he reasoned.

I looked back at this Travis to see him nod desperately. "Yes, yes and I'm sure she just misunderstood the situation."

I rolled my eyes at his anwer, typical much?

"It's ok now, Mark. Thank you. I guess I may have over reacted a little," Bells said. Then, she said to Travis, "sorry for bitting you."

He let out a little breath before replying, "it's ok and I'm sorry for freaking you out."

Bells sent him her winning grin. 

I jumped but thankfully it was not noticable when a loud bell rang. "What was that?" I wondered, eyeing Percy and taking hold of Bells' hand.

"The dinner bell," Percy said delightedly. Ha, just in time I was craving for some nutrients.


Dinner was awesome, must be said. I had a cheese burger along with fries and coke. At first it was awkward because Percy and Annabeth had to sit by their own cabin members and since Bells and I weren't 'claimed' yet, we had to sit with Hermes' Cabin, which was Cabin #11 if I remember correctly. It wasn't too bad, we just kept on getting curious glances every now and then. I laughed when Bells tried to hide behind my shoulder, she hated too much attention, notice how I've said 'too'? 

"Hey, want some of my cheese cake?" Bells offered, holding out a teaspoon full of strawberry cheese cake.

I scrunched my nose up a tinsy bit before repeating slowly, "cheese cake? Really?"

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