After the attack

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I'm not really sure exactly what it says when America thinks Maxon is dead and someone tells her where he is, but this is different anyway so I just put down something close to it. Read on!

Maxon is dead. Dead, dead, dead. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had imagined a life with Aspen and a life with Maxon, but never one where Maxon was dead. I couldn't hold back the tears another minute.

"Miss, are you okay? Why are you crying?" a maid asked me. "He's dead. Dead and gone forever!" I wailed through my tears. I'm guessing she heard it as "Heebed! Bed agon feever! But apparently she heard me right, because she came over to me and grabbed my hands. "Miss, who is dead?" I started crying even more, so much I was bawling now. "Maxoooon! He's dead!" The maid looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "Lady America, look at me." she said. I turned my head up towards her face and looked through my blurry and teary eyes at her.

"No Miss. He's up in his room. He's getting a lot better and so there's a lot of work for him to do. Go. Go see Maxon." I was stunned. He was alive! I gave the maid a big hug and ran out of the hospital wing and wiping my eyes, I ran into the main part of the palace to go find him.

When I got up to Maxon's room, I saw that there were guards by the door. I was worried that they might stop me and ask a whole bunch of questions, but they saw me (luckily neither of them was Aspen), and they bowed deeply. One of them  said, "Lady America, I'm assuming you are here to see Maxon, correct?" I nodded and gave a slight smile while pinching my lips together to keep from crying tears of joy. The other one opened the door a crack and called to Maxon. "May Lady America come in?" He asked. I heard a muffled 'Sure' and the guard motioned for me to go in.

There he was, all wrapped up in bandages and lying down on a green cot with a pillow on it next to his desk. I took a couple shy steps towards him and while playing with my torn dress, with a little smirk on my face, I said, "You look like a royal mess!" Maxon smiled his one and only handsomely charming smile held out his arm that was farthest away from the bullet wound. I ran towards him and gave him a big but gentle hug. I stepped back. He patted the cot to let me know I could sit on it, and so I did. "How are you feeling?" I asked, holding his hand. Maxon gave a sad smile. "I was feeling terrible, but now that you're here, all I feel is happiness." Oh my goodness, I thought while playfully rolling my eyes. Maxon could be so sweet.

And then the tears came. It wasn't really full out crying, just little hiccup-like sobs. I bent down to hug him some more. "I was so scared, Maxon. I thought I had lost you. I don't know what I would have done." He patted my back. I just lay there crying, with him hugging me. After a while, I don't know how long, he whispered in my ear. "I'm not dead though, am I? We're fine. I'm alive and that's all that matters. It's not like I would die and make you miserable for the rest of your life, right? He looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but smiling.

All of a sudden King Clarkson barged into the room, with Queen Amberly following closely behind nervously. "What are you doing!" The king yelled. Maxon and I both looked up, startled. Maxon nervously said, "Oh, um, sorry, I was just taking a short break to talk to America. I'll get back to work in a minute, father." The king mumbled something under his breath to Queen Amberly. She looked surprised. Then he looked back at us. "And YOU!" he said, pointing a finger at me. I glanced at Maxon, and he looked as scared as I felt. This seemed to make the king madder. "NOOOO!!!! Do NOT look at Maxon for help. This is YOUR problem, and YOU have to fix it. If you even loved him at all, like I've had to say WAY too many times, you would have just done the stupid advertisements already!"

There was a sudden silence, all except for the king's heavy, angry breathing. Amberly touched his shoulder gently. "Um, Clarkson, do think maybe you and I should discuss this somewhere else first before we make any important decisions to-" She was cut off by King Clarkson's screaming. "Again, NO! She's had her chances. She is going home tomorrow!" I literally almost started crying. I stood up and quickly curtsied. "Your Majesty, please, I beg you, I will do the announcements, just please don't send me home." The king put his hand to his chin and scratched his short whiskers. He looked deep in thought. "Amberly, I am going to take you up on your offer from before. We will step outside to talk, and I will let you know of my decision in a minute."

I almost fell to the ground in shock. The king had never been so graceful with me. As he walked out, I looked at Maxon. He gave a worried smile. I sighed.  "So, that was a lie. I'm not sure I even could do the announcements if I wanted to." I whispered so that the King wouldn't hear me and send me home. Those announcements were clearly very important to him. I continued. "It's not that I don't love you, because I do, it's just that I really don't want to go and tell the eights to be happy with working their butts off 24/7 and getting paid like, a penny a day! I said, exasperated.

Just then, the king and queen came back in. Amberly looked quite pleased, if you asked me. I took that as a good sign. The king sighed. I didn't think that was possible. He also looked very upset. "I will give you five days, America. If you don't do the announcements, or if you don't get them done in time, you are going home, you hear me?" I was so excited. I gave him a big smile and curtsied. "Yes, sir. Thank you so much." Then they left.

I looked back down at Maxon. He was grinning almost as much as I was. He once again held out his arm to me. I got down onto the cot with him. "I don't think he's ever been that merciful with me like that," I told him. He still had on the biggest smirk. "What are you smiling at?" I asked, confused. He made his smile a little bit smaller so he could talk to me. "What was it that you said before my parents came back in?" I was trying to think why something I said might make him smile. "Um, I think I said that it would be mean to do the advertisements?" He shook his head. "No, the thing before that." Ugh. This caused me to really have to think. What did I say before that... "Um, I think... I said that it wasn't that I didn't love you..." I looked down at Maxon. He was grinning ear to ear again. "I said that I loved you!" Maxon pulled me in for a hug. "Can you say it again-" he whispered in my ear, but I cut him off. "I love you, Maxon. I really do love you." And we kissed. I knew I really did love Maxon. He was mine. I was sure of it.

I wanted to include this part from The One so I figured out how to put it in. I hope you guys liked it!

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