Frozen Cocktail V

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With a hot dog in my hand and a hot chocolate, I'm more or less focused following Forth's explanations of the ice hockey game we're watching.

Usually, ice hockey is played in rows or blocks - this means that strikers and defenders always play with the same partners. An optimally-staffed team has four defensive rows and four storm rows. That means: one goaltender + ten defencemen + twelve forwards consisted of center and wing skaters + two reserve goaltenders = twenty-five players.
In the respective game/tournament, however, the number of registered players may only be twenty-two. A team must appoint a captain and two assistants. For identification, they wear a "C" or "A" on the chest. The captain is the only one who is allowed to ask after the interpretation of the rules if there are any ambiguities or wrong decisions on the part of the referee. The exchange of field players is not only possible during time-out but can also be done by changing on the fly.
An ice hockey game lasts 60 minutes (three thirds each with 20 minutes of effective playing time, in between 15 minutes in most leagues). However, as the clock is stopped every time the game is interrupted, a game of ice hockey usually lasts considerably longer, roughly two to two and a half hours.

(A/N: This research is dedicated to @ArchuG1412 )

I'm not really interested in the game, in fact I'm fucking cold. The only thing that keeps me here is the fact that Forth loves this game. If I really decide to stay with him, then this game is automatically included. Maybe my interest would be a bit bigger if he was playing himself, but right now I could imagine activities that would be more fun. Finally, the last remaining sixty seconds are displayed on the board, if that referee would stop whistling and thus stopping time, we already could be lying on the couch kissing and cuddling.

While Forth is completely occupied with the gameplay, occasionally cursing and not nearly satisfied with the skaters and the referee, I send my thoughts on the road. Next week is my 26th birthday, my subconscious and I are actually quite happy with our current life situation. I'm finally not single anymore and my private life finally got a bit more momentum thanks to my new job. My subconscious quietly whispers one of its wisdom to my ear: birthdays are like calories, you should enjoy them and not count ...

Actually, I wanted to go for a drink with Kit instead of celebrating my birthday with a big party, but now for sure, Forth will not be dissuaded from spending the evening by my side. Maybe he could ask Ming if he also has time, Kit certainly has nothing against it.
During our last phone call, I stopped counting at the fourteenth mention of Ming. Even if Ming is not my type at all, Ming has completely wrapped Kit around his finger or was it possibly another body part?

Finally, Forth seems to emerge from his hockey vacuum, with a gentle kiss on one of my almost frozen earlobes, I finally have my affectionate lover back.

"Hey Beamie, well, did you like the game?"

Oh, is it time for the truth? Or for a relationship-preserving, harmonic tiny little white lie? But Forth would not be my sex god if he did not have such a quick mind.

"You thought it was terrible, right?"

I turn to him, kissing him sweetly and passionately on the mouth, exploring his lower lip with my tongue and wrapping my arms around his neck. More and more wildly he returns my kiss, the cold disappears from my body and is replaced by a pleasantly warm feeling.

"Beamie, that's dangerous ..."

Dangerous? "I love the danger."

His hand lands on my butt, kneads and massages it. "Well, if that's the case..."

Warm and powerful, he takes my hand. What's going on? Seconds ago we were kissing each other passionately and now we are holding hands? Great.
Only when I realize that we have not taken the path to his car, my subconscious mind begins to look a little more hopeful. We go to an area of the ice rink, which is actually taboo for ordinary people like me. We just ignore the different locker rooms, Forth pulls me deeper into the not really heated building till he searches with one hand in his trouser pocket, to bring a small bunch of keys to light. Before I can ask him, what this is all about, he pulls me in the dark room. A dim tube flickers a few times before bringing the little room to life. Various photos of men hang on the wall. Trophies and ice hockey decorate the room.

"Where are we here?"

"In the trainer's office."

"Why do you have a key for that?"

His gaze silences me. "Beamie, I did not bring you here to chat. But if you really want to use your lips, I've got a different job for them." His voice is rough and dark with desire, his eyes are stormy, his hands open the buttons of his jeans.

Lasciviously I lick my lower lip, I know exactly what he wants from me. Within seconds I'm on my knees in front of him, pulling down his boxer shorts and freeing his hard cock, wow, he's so ready for me.

I catch his gaze, sink into the depths of his needs, which are clearly written in his face.

Soft and hot, I taste the aroma of his juicy glans on my tongue. Licking and sucking on it, I engulf him inch by inch with my mouth. Forth's hands tangle my hair, keeping my head in position, directing the speed of my rhythmic movements. His breath comes in fits and starts, the trained muscles in his thighs tighten and I know that he is nearing his climax. After a few skillful strokes with my tongue, he explodes between my lips. Purring, I swallow the salty hot liquid and enjoy the power I have over him.

"Oh Beamie, fuck, that was amazing..."

Slowly I rise, look him in the eye and kiss him with his taste on my tongue.

"Let's go, so that I can return the favor at home." At his words, a shower of anticipation trickles down my neck. His teeth nibble lightly on my lower lip as I close his jeans. The air around us charges up electrically, I forget the space we are in, concentrate completely on my sex god.

"Beam!" Oh oh, if he talks to me with my first name, I'm really curious what's coming now.

"I love you."

My heart beats like crazy as a thousand little shooting stars create a new Milky Way galaxy in my belly. His words are spoken calmly and honestly, his knuckles gently stroke my cheek while I still try to understand the implications of his words. Slowly I slide my hands under his thick sweater, I feel his defined abdominal muscles under my fingers. Time flies, our eyes catch each other and my mind leaps and jumps through my head.

"I love you too, Forth." Desperately, I nibble on my lower lip, looking forward to his reaction. With momentum, he lifts me up so that my feet dangle in the air.

"Come on, Beamie, so I can show you on the soft pillows and the silk sheets at home what I feel for you."

My subconscious mind is thrilled, finally a man of action and the words ...

The End!

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Thank you so much to all my readers for all your comments and votes. I really liked to write this story and I already have a little sequel in mind, of course with another couple as the main protagonists. See you sooooooon, sweeties <3

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