[ Fourth ]

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When his mouth pressed my own, some sort of vision came to me.

I saw myself in what seemed a century ago, with a smile on my face watching someone.
I still couldn't see who that was but whoever he was he made me happy.

I was in one of those old dresses from the fifteenth century. A large house was right behind me, this new version or should I say the old version of me didn't notice me.

Maybe they weren't able to see me after all.

A man came to her, wrapping her in his arms and twirling her around.
"Where is my princess?"
 He chuckled as he planted a kiss on her lips. Smiling she took his face in her hands as she placed her lips on his forehead.
"You were gone for so long." She frowned a bit as he placed her back on the ground.

"I know love.I just had to finish something." She shook her head, now angry at whatever the hell was he doing.
He was still turned back so I couldn't see his face.

 Knowing that they can't see me I moved a few steps forward them.
She still didn't notice me but he turned around and I was met face to face with no other than Dean himself.

 "What the.." We both said at the same time and I realized that he was the only one who saw me.

 My eyes widened and as he tried to come near me the vision was gone and I was back in the present with Dean's lips on mine.

 I didn't even realize but I kissed him back. The feeling this kiss bought to me seemed so familiar.
 I wanted more of it.

Gripping his hair I pushed him closer to me as I parted my lips, letting him to taste me.
He seemed satisfied with my answer and he let his hand wander down, gripping me tightly.
Pulling a bit back he took a breath as he stared at my eyes.

 "This time I am not letting you go." He smiled as his forehead pressed against mine.

With my breath locked in my throat, I managed to come back from this crazy fantasy that played inside my head and I realized that he was indeed the guy I met just an hour ago.
Pushing him off of me I stared at him like he grew two heads.
In my mind he has. I just saw us together in somehow past life.
I didn't even believe in those things.

"Elena..I need you to calm down. Listen I know you have no idea what is going on, but I will explain everything. I swear it."
He seemed scared, scared that I would leave him again?

What did I mean to him back than? Were we married?

Who am I kidding? What the hell is wrong with me. First that girl, now him..What is going on with my life.

"Everything started in that bookstore didn't it? Like it did every damn time. You end up there. On the same place.." He started off but I shook my head stopping him.

"Nothing started anywhere.This.." I showed my hands in his direction.
"You..you are a mistake.Whatever I saw it was not real!"

 I felt hot tears inside my eyes, ready to fall out but I will not let myself cry in front of him.

"You saw something? What did you see? It never happened before..In your past lifes.."
 He stared at the ground obviously confused at this.

"Past lifes? Do you even hear yourself?!What the hell is wrong with you, you met me like an hour ago!"
 I started walking away from him, trying to remember where the hell I parked my car. I needed to get away from this place, and I needed to do that fast.

I was losing my mind.

This must have been a dream, all of it. Yes, I am dreaming, I am in some sort of nightmare and it will all be gone once I wake up. Letting the tears finally fall I spotted my car and ran towards it.

"Lena wait!" I heard his voice but I had no intention of stopping.
Turning the engine on I started driving away.
My vision was blurry because of the tears inside my eyes but I was not going to stop.
I had to get away.

Away from him.


Silence again..
And there it was again.

Waking up with a big headache I rolled out of bed turning my alarm off.
This was a new day for me. I looked at my hand again seeing that stupid number didn't go away.
Sitting up I stared at those thin walls, hoping for them to swallow me whole.
But I know that won't happen.

I am right here. And my problems are still with me.
Who was I?
Did my mom lie to me my entire life?
Why was all of this happening now? Why not before, when I was back home?
I decided that I needed answers.
So I called the one number that could give me every damn answer that I needed.

After a few beeping my mother answered the phone.

"Elena are you okay?" She sounded scared and somehow for the first time I didn't care that she was. I was scared shitless last night.

"Answer me.Start talking now." I spoke through my clenched teeth. I was angry at her. So angry. My entire life was one big, fat lie.

"Okay.I will.Sit somewhere and keep an open mind, okay?"
 She said and I followed her advice.

"So..A few centuries ago your grand-grandmother started practicing with potions and spells.It was the time where witches were creatures that people feared. They killed them. Burned them alive. So your grandmother never showed her talent. People came to her. Showing up at her doorstep asking for help and she would help anyone.
That was until some of them spread the word. They said she had magical herbs, the one who could cure any disease."

 As she spoke I could see it all. It seemed like she was giving me visions.

I saw an old woman, my grand-grandmother. I saw her pictures before. She was standing, tied up in what seemed like a town square. There were people there..Throwing rocks at her, wishing for her death and yet again she was so calm. She smiled. They were killing her and she was smiling..

"They burned her alive. They were celebrating her death but they did not expect that she was still there. Very much alive. Fire did nothing to her. It couldn't. Because it was her power. She killed them all." My mother finished off and I looked up. This was not real.

"Your grandmother..she had the same power. But she wasn't so sure she will pass them to me."
Before I had a chance to ask her anything she answered my question.

"No, I didn't. I wasn't magical. But when you were born for the first time I started believing in magic. Your grandmother helped me to bring you into this world, because we couldn't go to doctors. We didn't know what would happen when you get born..She knew you would have powers because she had a vision when I was a young girl. At first she thought it was about me, but when that vision didn't come true we knew it had to do something with my child. There was a curse."

At the mention of the curse I stood up. I was cursed?

"A curse? What kind of curse mother?" I could hear her crying in the back.

"You would die, over and over again, and I was supposed to stay the same age and watch you die multiple times. Every time it took more years for you to come back. The first time you were thirty seven, and I somehow hoped that the curse weren't going to happen. But then I lost you. They found you and they killed you making me watch it. Every next time you died a year younger than before..But every time you were reborn you were stronger, with more powers."

If what she is saying is true, than at what age I was supposed to die now?

"Mom..At what age am I supposed to die now?" I asked her feeling scared of her answer.
"Twenty five." She answered and I dropped my phone.

I was already twenty five years old.


Dean's pov

She was finally back.
After waiting more the fifty years for her to be reborn again I finally saw her. Yes, she had a different body, but it was her. I just knew it. The moment those blue eyes looked at me and her lips touched mine I knew it was her.

This time I had to protect her.

Because what they plan for her is far worse than any death.

"My dear brother.You do realize that this time they will kill her for good. She won't be back. She will be trapped inside that thing for God knows how long."
Annoyed at his comment, but knowing fully well that he was right.

" I know Christian. I have a plan alright."
I rolled my eyes trying to not give away too much.

But I was scared.

I had no idea what I would do if their plan worked. If they do trap her inside that there would be no way to get her out.
And this time, she was meant to die at this age.
I knew she was already twenty five. That number on her hand showed that this was her twelfth time to die.

I was just wondering who the hell put that number on her hand because whoever it was I will rip them apart the moment I lay my eyes on them.

So, I decided to put a bit of Dean's pov in this story. He has a huge part in her life and I can't wait to write more about him.
I also decided that I will be uploading at least twice a week.
Vote, comment, leave honest opinion about this story.
Would you like some changes? More details,whatever.
If you have any idea don't be afraid to DM me.

Love you guys ♥

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