Chapter Two

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When Peter woke up, MJ was still pretending to be asleep. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, taking in a few deep breathes before looking down at MJ.

The mesh window next to her had been left open and let in the morning sun. Peter felt incredibly warm, almost too warm but looking at fake-sleeping MJ made him even warmer, a good warm.

Her skin seemed to almost radiate gold, her dark complexion glowing. Peter gulped when he caught himself staring and almost had to force himself to look away. Sighing, he pulled a shirt on and tried to unzip the door of the tent as quietly as possible.

Peter discovered that tents don't unzip quietly. Ever.

"Shut up, Parker," MJ mumbled, even though she was already awake she'd did not appreciate her eye resting being interrupted.

"I need to pee, alright? Would you rather I pee in here?" Peter whispered, not wanting to wake up Ned and Gwen even though they'd tried their best to keep Peter and MJ up all night.

"Whatever just go," Her voice was muffled by the pillow and if it weren't for his heightened hearing he probably would have no idea what she'd just said.

So Peter exited the tent and zipped it back up, making his way to the campgrounds shared bathroom. (He still found it ridiculous that it was 50 cents per 5 minutes in the showers, did he look rich to them?)

It was still cold outside, Peter didn't know the time but he could tell it was early from the way the grass was still covered in dew. The air but his skin as he walked but he kind of liked it.

This was a big change from the city. The most noticeable change was how quiet this place was compared to his home. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not. One thing was for sure, he felt like he was really breathing for the first time.

Gwen was making some kind of breakfast when Peter got back. The cheap portable barbecue they'd found at the department store was propped open on the table, leaning precariously to one side.

"Morning, Gwen," Peter yawned as he rounded the table, wrapping one arm around her in a side hug.

"You smell like boy," Gwen scrunched her nose but hugged back anyway. "Morning, Peter,"

Peter frowned and opened up his shirt, ducking his head down into the opening to catch a whiff of himself. "I smell normal,"

"Hm," Gwen mused, causing Peter to spiral into another panic and sniff his armpit. "Pancakes?"

Peter pulled his head away from his armpit, still stressed and now believing that Gwen thinks he always smells bad, to see a plate extended out towards him. "Oh, thanks,"

The two opened up camping chairs and took a seat facing each other. Both were quiet for a moment before Peter noticed a small smirk cross Gwen's face. "...What?"

"I heard you and MJ last night," She shoved a pancake into her mouth and swallowed her smile along with it.

"What," Peter quirked a brow. "Fighting?"


Peter suddenly forgot how to chew and swallow because he immediately started coughing his lungs out. His eyes watered as he hacked out the piece of food. He wiped away a tear from his face and looked at Gwen. "I'm sorry, what? That was not flirting,"

"It wa-as," Gwen sing-songed, smiling at Peter.

He shook his head and shovelled down the rest of his food. His plastic plate clattered on the table as he set it down. The sound of the tent door being opened made Peter turn his head and watch MJ stumble out, nearly falling over. A snicker escaped his mouth and a middle finger flipped up from her hand.

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