Chapter Three

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Thank the lord, Gwen and Ned weren't going at it like rabbits when Michelle and Peter got back. Michelle placed the bucket of dishes on the table before retreating into the tent without another word. Peter watched her go, knowing she probably wasn't going to emerge for a while.

Peter grabbed the bucket and took it to the car, placing the clean dishes neatly into the box with the rest of the dishes they brought with them. After he was satisfied with the organisation of the utensils he went a sat back down on his camp chair, facing Gwen and Ned. He gave the two a small smile, clasping his hands in front of him.

"How's your guys' morning?" Peter asked, raising his brows at the couple.

"It's good, the weather is supposed to be really nice today but Gwen and I were thinking we should just chill at the site today," Ned nodded, gesturing to his girlfriend when he spoke about her.

"Yeah," Peter nodded. "That sounds good."

The couple resumed to talk within themselves and Peter gazed around the campground, not really noticing anything in particular. He squinted his eyes in the sun, bobbing his leg up and down. It was then Peter was reminded it was incredibly difficult for him to sit still and do nothing.

He was just about to stand up from his seat to stretch his legs when Gwen interrupted him, shooting up from her own seat and pushing him back down. "No, no you can't go I was just about to suggest an activity!"

"An activity?"

"Yeah! I was reading about bonding activities before we came and the website said we should draw each other?"

"Draw each other?"

"Yes! It'll be fun and it's a way to get to know each other and stuff."

"I look at you guys all day everyday, do we really need to draw each other?"

"Yes," Gwen stated very matter-of-factly.

Peter sighed, but dragged his chair closer to Ned, who was watching Gwen attempt to drag MJ out of the tent. As much as he hated that fact that Gwen and Ned were, that, couple, he also couldn't help but admire that they enjoyed the other person so much that they were that couple.

MJ stumbled out of the tent, again, her foot catching on the lip of the tent door. She cleared her throat and flicked her hair back, attempting to look nonchalant about the mistake. Peter bit back a smile but looked away when Michelle glared at him.

She sat down on a chair facing Peter and Gwen sat down next to her, facing Ned. Peter gave the girl in front of him a tight-lipped smile, which she did not return. Michelle sighed, "I was told we were doing a Peter roast, should I start?"

"What?" Peter knitted his brows together, looking at Gwen.

"I had to get her out of the tent somehow!" The blonde raised her hands in defence.

"So we aren't roasting Peter?" She sounded even more bored than she was before if that was even possible.


"Why would you tell her you're roasting me?"

"-We're drawing each other!"

Gwen handed MJ and Peter a piece of paper and a pencil each, before dragging the table between each pair for them to lean on. Peter already knew MJ would be done in a matter of minutes, she'd slam her pencil on the table and return to the tent without another word. Peter already knew she would make fun of anything mark he made on the paper, even if he didn't make any at all. So he took a deep breath and sucked it up.

He picked up the pencil, holding it wrong as his elementary school teachers had slammed into his head. Michelle picked it up too, holding it exactly the same as him, a small detail Peter shoved into the back of his mind under the folder 'Michelle.'

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