Chapter Five

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Owen's P.O.V

It's always been my mission to protect Hadley. Hadley would be dead if it wasn't for me. People are out to find the Chosen one and the Chosen is Hadley. If it wasn't for the Planet Hadley would've never existed. She is the planet and the planet is her. Hadley is still my little sister. I took an oath when two years old to protect her with my life. Hadley isn't a normal girl and never has been. She can absorb poison without being harmed. She can take the poison out of someone's blood just by touching it. She is the rightful heir to the planet. She might be able to change how the planet does things and find the lost castle. If she finds it she can take her seat on the throne. I can't tell anybody about this because of the oath. If I break the oath I face death penalty. My life depends on keeping this oath. My oath is my duty and my life work.

Florence's P.O.V

The night I kissed Hadley my body kinda took over. I didn't realize what I did until I did it but I guess Hadley knows how I feel now. She knows I love her and she's just been avoiding me. I wish I didn't kiss her because then things wouldn't be this awkward, but I guess that is my own fault. I was the one that kissed her.  At least she let me apologize to her. "Hadley, are we good?" I ask walking up to where she was laying. She was laying there asleep while shaking. She looks as if she is having a night terror. I start shaking. "Hadley, wake up," I whisper, "Hadley, it's just a dream. Come on wake up."

I start to shake her more vigorously. She starts to scream while staying awake. I run over to Owen and get him awake and bring him over to Hadley. He looks down to see her shaking and screaming. "No not now," he mutters, "this can't be happening." He looks up at me and whispers, "we can't wake her. She needs to stay asleep. It's for the best."

"But she is having a night terror," I plea, "we can't just let her sleep. Especially since she is screaming."

"You don't know her," he snaps, "if we wake her she could die."

I start to slowly back away. I don't think I should be here right now, I think to myself, I'm not helping anyone right now anyways. I'm just making things worst.

Hadley's P.O.V

"I'm going to collapse," the planet whispers, "Hadley, you are going to have to take my spot."

"I can't," I yell falling to the ground, "I just can't."

"Hads, it's your destiny," Owen mutters, "you can't deny destiny."

"I can and I will," I snap, "I'm not turning into this planet. I'll leave to much behind."

"You're not leaving anything behind," Florence explains, "you will be creating everything. You will be here for us. Be here for me. If you turn into the planet."

"I can't," I scream, "you should've chose a different Chosen one. I'm just not up for the job of sacrificing myself. I just can't do it."

"Hadley, please," Lizzy cries.

My arms started to go numb. I could feel my body being suck into the planet and it was painful. I don't get a choice in this matter. I never had a choice in anything and I don't think I ever will. I push myself up onto my feet and start to walk. Something pulled me back so I couldn't move anymore. "Let me go," I growl.

I look back to see nothing holding me and it can't be the star because I got rid of it weeks ago. I swing my arm back and hit whatever was holding me and I start to run. I run into something and fall to the ground. I could feel myself waking up.

I wake up gasping for air. I can barely breath. Not again. Not another night terror that I can't wake up from by anyone without almost dying. I hate them and I wish they would just go away. I've almost die from them every time. Last time I had one of them I almost jumped off a cliff. "Hadley, are you out there?" Owen yells. I get up start to head towards Owen voice. When I get to him I hug him and break down crying. "It's going to be okay," he comforts, "everything is going to be alright."

He picks me up and carries me back to camp. On the way back I feel asleep.

CaDence's P.O.V

I think that the Luke kid is cute the more I think about him. I don't know maybe it's his hazel eyes with the green specks or his perfect hair. I don't know much about him but by the way he tried to get Hadley back from me. Or the way his freckles scatter his face.

"Are you down talking about Luke?'' Cam asks smiling.

"What?!?" I exclaim.

"You said and I state," he starts, "I think that the Luke...."

"Stop!!!" I interrupted, "no more please."

"Okay," he teases, "you still like him."

"Cam, please stop," I beg.

"Fine," he mumbles.

Reagan came walking up. "Fine what?" she asks.

"Nothing," I mumble.

"It has to be something if you asked Cam to stop," she starts, "so spill it."

"Ummm, no," I reply.

"Cam, you better spill it or I will get someone to force you to say it," she chirps, "so spill it."

"I swear, Cam," I threaten, "I will kill you."

"Well I might have to," Cam whispers, "I might just spill some of it. Unless you want to tell."

"Spill," Reagan yells.

"Well CaDence likes...." he starts.

"No,"  I interrupt yelling, "I'll tell her."

"Then spill it," she demands.

"Only if Cam leaves," I whisper.

We both look over at Cam and he gets up leaving saying, Okay, Okay. I'm leaving."

"Now spill it," she demands.

"I think that the Luke kid is cute the more I think about him. I don't know maybe it's his hazel eyes with the green specks or his perfect hair. I don't know much about him but by the way he tried to get Hadley back from me. Or the way his freckles scatter his face," O explain, "and I don't understand why I like him."

"It was like that way with me and Terrance also," she giggles while blushing, "it's probably the same way with you and Luke. Well depends if he is fine with you threatening to kill his little sister. But if you explain why he might forgive."

"I hope he does," I mumble, "I really do think I like him."

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