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❝ if you wish for peace, prepare for war ❞

❝ if you wish for peace, prepare for war ❞

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Talil Nader had a lot on his shoulders. Despite being heir to the throne of Nekhen, he was not desperate for his coronation; on the contrary, he found himself intrigued by the vast knowledge his people surrounded themselves with, preferring to spend his time learning everything there was about the worlds outside his own.

The Allfather was an infamous man, widely feared among neighboring kingdoms just out of reach of the nine realms. The people of Nekhen were all too familiar with the trail of bloodshed he tended to leave behind the kingdoms he conquered, despite his claims of becoming peaceful. They feared an inevitable invasion, but after thousands of years had passed, minds had mellowed and it seemed there was nothing to be afraid of.

Until Odin decided he was not happy with the sacred peace treaty between the two kingdoms, and threatened to bring an army as far as the eye could see should he not be convinced of their alliance to him and negotiations for an annual pension go south. Talil didn't know what to make of the intrusive threats, as neither did the rest of his people, watching helplessly as panic gripped the kingdom. 

But Thor Odinson did, as he was accompanying his father to his visits to Nekhen, as a second opinion to the matter; not only was he present for consultation, he served as Odin's confidante, meaning he heard everything that went on in the ruler's mind--including why, out of the blue, he decided to plunder the neighboring kingdom as a warning to Nekhen. 

Desperate to eliminate the threat to his kingdom, Talil joined Thor on a quest to find out the truth, discovering the bloodstains that tainted his peoples' history, filled with questions that had answers dating back centuries. As the secrets began to unravel and Talil finding himself tangled in a web of lies, the two realized that, in order to save lives they had to sacrifice for the greater good, and it couldn't hurt to have someone carrying the weight by their side.

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rami malek as talil nader

❝ no one wearing a crown comes in the name of peace ❞

❝ no one wearing a crown comes in the name of peace ❞

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richard madden as pabu ishertin

❝ no one seems to understand exactly what we're facing ❞

❝ no one seems to understand exactly what we're facing ❞

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emilia clarke as beatrice ceros

❝ no one ever seeking power has the intention to relinquish it ❞

❝ no one ever seeking power has the intention to relinquish it ❞

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The amount of time I've spent trying to place this fic into the Marvel timeline is ridiculous, especially keeping in mind that everyone over at Marvel did a terrible job keeping track of when the films took place (Spider-Man: Homecoming is a disaster all on its own) but! I'm trying my best to have everything as neat as possible and apologies in advance if things don't exactly match up.

That being said, the Odin that will appear here is not Loki, which is exactly the trouble I came across when trying to figure out where this fic fits into the MCU. Odin is himself and the events of Ragnorak haven't occured yet, but rest assured that that will all make sense as we go along.

In all honesty, this fic was born purely out of my love for Night At the Museum-era Rami Malek and my childhood obsession for Egyptian mythology, so what better than to combine the two things I love for my boy Thor? I'm gonna be having fun with worldbuilding and diplomatic tensions all the while setting up something that I hope will help build my marvel universe, it's gonna be wild.


JUNIBENDERS because she's dropping her Bolin fic at the same time as this one, which is super dope kaliprasads for making me this cool story gif and also firelordappa sokkascock dawngrangers soulofstaars SOKKACITY bumiaangs latte-to-go argentsvogue mandadlorians for being all the wonderful people that you are and always being so supportive, I love you all

I hope you enjoy!

I hope you enjoy!

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