9. Light

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I walk down the hall. None of the guys are with me. I look around, trying to find them. I keep walking and looking behind me in hopes of finding them.

Suddenly, a light flashes. I cover my eyes, waiting for the light to fade. I slowly pull my hand down. At the end of the hall is a bright light. I feel a rush of wind hit me hard. I feel my clothes flutter. I look down to see a pale pink, floor length dress on me.

 I look down to see a pale pink, floor length dress on me

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I hear a whisper of voices coming from the light. I can make out one of the voices but I do not know who it is. All I know is that it is one of the guys. I rush forward. I come to a stop. In front of me are the guys. All 26. Each of of them, dressed in formal clothes that suit their own style. Each of them holds a flower. Not of them hold the same kind. They all stare at me, smiles painted on their faces. They stand in a random order. Someone steps forward. It is Woojin.

"Summer, you must choose soon." Woojin says.

"Choose what?"

"Who will you be for." he says, stepping back into the line.

"What do you mean?"

He says nothing. Someone else steps forward. Seunghwan.

"You are lucky. You have 26 guys all wanting you. You don't realize this though. You only see it in your dreams." Seunghwan says.

"Wanting me?"

"Every time you dream, it will be like this. You can stop it at any time. All you need to do is say the words. But before you do, give us 3 nights." he says. He steps back in the line.

"I don't understand." A bell rings. One by one, each boy steps forward. They hand me a flower. Once I have all 26, a bell rings again.

"Summer, hold up one of the flowers at random." A voice says. I look around but none of the boys are speaking.

I hold up a pretty purple flower.

I hold up a pretty purple flower

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"Anemone Rosea" the voice says.

Yunho steps forward. He reaches for my hand. When our hands make contact, a light flashes. Once the light fades, I am in the living room. But I am not me. I feel a squeeze on my hand. I see Yunho still holding my hand. I hear shuffling, so I look up. I see me. On the night I first spent with the guys. I see me coming into the living room. I am sitting on the couch with Domino, going through my phone. I see Yunho come in the room. He stops when he sees me. I see his face grow red. He stares at me for a moment. He walks up behind me. He opens his mouth but no words come out. He closes it. He reaches out to tap my shoulder. He stops. His head hangs and he turns away. He heads back up the stairs. He closes his door with a click. A light flashes and we are back in the hall.

"You didn't know I was there that night." Yunho says. "I wanted to ask you what you were doing but I just couldn't speak. I was so flustered. I don't know why I was. I felt like I was intruding for some reason." 

I look up at him. The light flashes again. 

My eyes flutter open. I see Junseo still sleeping. I turn my head and see Changbin there, spooning me. I smile and hug Junseo. I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

When I wake up, I am alone. I frown. I sit up. I hear someone in the shower. I curl up in the blanket on the bed. I whimper. It is cold. I try to keep myself warm, but I still shiver. I close my eyes.

I hear the door open. I keep my eyes closed and try not to whimper. Too bad I still do. The person who opened the door rushes over and pulls me into his arms. When I open my eyes, I see Yeosang. He takes the blanket and wraps it around me.

"Is that better, agi?" he says, rubbing my back. I nod and lean into him. I hear the shower stop. After a few minutes, the door opens and Changbin steps out. He comes over and sits next to us. 

"Is she okay, hyung?" he says.

"Yes, I think she was just scared because she woke up alone. I was coming up because Junseo sent me." Yeosang explains. Changbin nods. I look up at him.

"Whewe is eomma? I wants eomma." I whisper.

"Who is eomma, Summer?" Yeosang says, looking down at me.

"TaeTae." I whimper.

"Is TaeTae Taewoo hyung?" Changbin says. I nod. 

"Eomma..." I whimper. Changbin gets up and rushes out. I can hear him going into TaeTae's room. I hear the muffled speaking and then they both rush in. Eomma rushes over and squats next to me. He puts a hand on my knee.

"Binnie told me you wanted me. He said you wanted "eomma". Is that true?" he says. I nod and reach out to him. He picks me up and holds me. I can feel my shirt go up some, so my undies can be seen. I pull at my shirt so it covers me. 

"What did you need me for?" he says, bouncing me softly.

"Summew wanted chu. Summew needed hew eomma. She scawed and colds. She wants paci, but she no has." I whimper. He nods and carries me out and into Seonghwa's room. He reaches in one of the bags and pulls out a pack of pacis. He takes one out and holds it to my lips. I take it and softly suck on it, leaning my head down on to his shoulder. He reaches in the bags and pulls out my shampoos and some clothes.

"Let's go take a bath. How does that sound?" he says.

I wiggle and try to get away. He tigtens his grip on me.

"Eomma lets Summew go!" I squeal.

His grip losens and I slid down. I take off down the hall. I run into my room and hide under my bed. I hear him run in. He looks around.

"I guess she isn't in here." he says.

I let out a sigh of relief. I feel him grab my wrist. I squeal as he gently pulls me out.

"Summer calm down. Please! Tell Eomma what is wrong." he says sitting down next to me. I shake my head at him, my eyes brimming with tears.

"Summer you have to tell me. If you don't I can't help you." he says, rubbing my back. I jerk away when he touches my back. He freezes and I whimper.

"Summer is something wrong with your back?" he says.

I whimper and try to inch away.

"Summer what happened?" he says reaching for me. I wiggle trying to get away.

 He pulls my shirt up and I whimper loudly. I hear him gasp. I get up and run to the only place I can think of.

Yunho's arms.

As I run, I wipe away the tears streaming down my cheeks. Little do I notice, a small purple flower has appeared on my wrist like a tattoo with J.Y. right under it.


What is your 5 favorite songs by ATEEZ?

1. Pirate King

2. Say My Name

3. My Way

4. Promise

5. From

The 26 Boys ~ An ATEEZ, Stray Kids & 1THE9 (Book #1 Of The Season Series)Where stories live. Discover now