22. She's Coming

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Yongha POV

"Girls? Time for breakfast." I say, knocking. When no one answers, I slowly open the door, peaking in. I flip the light on but see no one. The bathroom door is open and I don't hear anyone moving around in the closet. I walk out and head to Jinsung's room. I knock and open the door. I see all 4 of them sleeping. I smile and walk up to Jinsung.

"Jinsung? Time to get up. Breakfast." I whisper when he opens his eyes. He nods.

"Wooyoung, time to get up. You need to eat." I whisper. He nods and turns some, pulling Soojin closer to him. I walk to HongJoong hyung's room and knock. When no one answers, I crack the door open. I smile when I see Shuhua sleeping with him.

"Guys, it's time to get up." I say, waking up the guys. I walk to all the other rooms and see Minnie with Taewoo and Miyeon with WooJin hyung. I wake up Felix and he wakes up the others in his room.

 I head downstairs and sit down at the table. A few minutes later, HongJoong comes in carrying Shuhua. He sits down with her still in his lap. I smile at them and give them their food. Jisung comes down with Summer on his back. I give him their food once he sits down with Summer in his lap. Just after them, Jongho comes in with Sungwon on his back with Chan carrying Jeongin. Jinsung follows with Yuqi on his hip and Wooyoung has Soojin on his shoulders. Woojin comes in with Miyeon and has a arm around her while she hugs him. Taewoo comes running in with a giggly Minnie on his back.

"Morning!!!" Minnie cheers.

"Morning, Noona." Sungwon mumbles, resting his head on Jongho's shoulder.

"Hey, Taewoo, Wooyoung, Jinsung, and HongJoong. Can I talk to you guys in a bit?" Woojin says. They all nod and go back to messing around with the girls.

Once everyone is seated and eating, I sit down and eat.

WooJin POV

Me and the guys step into the living room with girls in the kitchen. I sit down.

"Did you need something, hyung?" Taewoo says.

"Yeah, did the girls sleep with you last night?" I ask.

"Shuhua came to me, I couldn't turn her down." HongJoong says.

"Yeah, Minnie asked me." Taewoo says.

"Soojin climbed in bed with me then asked me, not that I minded." Wooyoung explains.

"Yuqi came to me right after Soojin climbed in his bed." Jinsung says.

"Miyeon came to me last night too." I say.

"All of them couldn't sleep?" Wooyoung says.

"Yeah, I think they just want to get used to be around here. Maybe homesick?" Taewoo says.

"They were really cheery this morning. Especially Minnie." I comment.

"Yeah, they must have gotten a good night of sleep. They might be like Summer." Jinsung says.

"It is possible. If it is, I am perfectly fine with them sleeping with me again." Taewoo says.

"Yeah, it is nice to wake up to someone next to you..." Wooyoung says. I look over a t HongJoong and see him deep in thought.

"You ok, HongJoong? You are really quiet there." I ask. He snaps out if it.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about last night. Shuhua was really sweet. We talked for a while before we fell asleep." he says, fondly.

"You like her." Wooyoung says.

"What? Why do you say that?" he says, looking down.

"I can tell. Honestly, I am starting to like Soojin too." Wooyoung says.

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