Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Family talk and the girl of Ice called Krystal.

Ash felt sunshine on his eyes, making him open his eyes to see the sun was shining past the windows to his eyes.

Ash did a deep yawn as he tried to stretch his arms out, only for him to feel his left arm not moving. Ash looked left to see that Zuzu had her arms wrapped around Ash's left hand with her still asleep, causing Ash to smile at her sleeping face.

Ash slowly, but carful removed his hand from Zuzu as he got off Zuzu's bed. "Stardust''. Ash whispered out so that Zuzu will not hear him.

NovaForce Stardust Dragon appeared in Spirit form next to Ash. "Yes, my lord''. Novaforce Stardust Dragon said. Ash smiled at seeing that Stardust was alive and back by his side. "I'm glad to have you back, old friend''. Ash said to Stardust, which caused Stardust to smile back at him.

Ash and Stardust had a talk together for 5 minutes to catch up with each other, before Ash went to take a shower. Ash put his clothes from yesterday in the laundry bag before he took his warm shower. Ash put his version of Yusei's cloths back on, only he kept his Red long scarf.

Ash's shower took 3 minutes before Ash went down stairs to make breakfast. When Ash went down stairs and saw Yuya, Ally, Gong, Fredrick, Tate, Sora and Zuzu's father sleeping all other the place, which caused Ash to sweet drop.

Ash made a Straw berry short cake for Zuzu while he cooked a bacon sandwich for himself, while making tea. He carefully carried it upstairs to Zuzu's room, will not making a Sound to wake anybody up.

Ash set Zuzu's breakfast on her homework task, while he eat his bacon sandwich that he made for himself in peace. However, Ash's peaceful breakfast was interrupted when he heard a moan, making him look to see Zuzu was blushing in her sleep, while having a face of full pleasure. "Ahhhh. That is right Ash, right there. Please go faster and harder''. Zuzu said in pleasure as she continued to blush.

Ash's face turn bright red when he released what Zuzu was dreaming about. "You can't be serious. Zuzu is having a sex dream about me''. Ash thought to himself in shock. Zuzu continued to moan, which caused Ash to blush even more.

Ash decided to wake Zuzu up, because he did not want to hear Zuzu moan anymore. Ash sat down on the bed, next to Zuzu's face. Ash moved his left hand to Zuzu's face, but Zuzu surprisingly grabbed Ash's hand, before she put Ash's hand on her left breast, making Ash blush even more, so much that steam started to come out of his face.

Moreover, it got worse when Zuzu forced Ash's hand to squish her breast, making Ash blush even more. Ash decided that he has had enough. Ash used his right hand and grabbed Zuzu's hand off his left and pocked Zuzu on the check with his left hand.

Zuzu's eyes slowly opened. The First thing that Zuzu saw was Ash's smiling face that wasn't red anymore. "Ash''. Zuzu said as she hugged her boyfriend with Ash returning the hug. "I was so worried. When you collapse, I didn't know what to do''. Zuzu said with her head on Ash's left shoulder.

Ash rubbed Zuzu's back in comfort. "It's okay now, I'm awake and fine''. Ash said to his girlfriend. Ash and Zuzu continued their hug, before Zuzu took her head off Ash's shoulder and kissed Ash on the lips, making his eyes widen, before he closed them and kissed Zuzu back.

However, Ash didn't know that his face was starting to grow crimson marks on his face, he was too focused on Zuzu. Ash took his hands off Zuzu's back and grabbed Zuzu's legs, before he put Zuzu's legs around his waist, with Zuzu wrapping her legs around his waist.

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