Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: A Pink Dragon's ascent and return home.

Ash was running in the Volcano Zone, searching for Saya. He just got to the area a few seconds ago and still hasn't found Saya or Duel Academy yet, with the sun rising for a new day, but Ash didn't feel tired at all. Ash was really starting to get worried for his daughter. Saya means the world to him, and if Saya would get captured would break his spirits very much. Saya was one of the many things that gives him strength. Saya's smile, kindness and the light that Saya gives to everyone she meets. Saya is like Ash's light, along with the girls Ash loves more than ever. "I got to find her! I got to find my little girl!''. Ash thought to himself in concern for his little girl, now wishing he left her with Rin or Lulu. "If something happens to her, I don't know what to do''. Ash thought to himself, getting more worried by the second for his daughter.

Ash then thought of all the fun times he had with Saya, showing Saya to his adopted siblings Rio and Shark, showing Saya how to Duel, taking a walk with Saya and Lulu, treating Saya to Ice Cream, going to sleep with Saya and Lulu and watching Saya sleep with Lulu next to her, and finally looking at Saya when she was a baby in Ray's arms. "Saya means so much to me that I won't let her be captured. I promised Ray that I would always protect her''. Ash thought to himself as he remembered a promise she made to his wife, a few weeks before Saya was born.


Draco was seating down on a couch next to an 8 moth pregnant Ray, watching some TV with Draco rubbing Ray's stomach with his right hand, smiling at his Wife, with Ray returning the smile. Draco was wearing a black open jacket over a Black shirt, black long pants and black shoes, while Ray was wearing purple sleep dress, both currently retired from their Dueling career to take care of Ray. Both husband and wife were enjoying a simple day of relaxing, being together and care for Ray. "What should we name our child if it's a boy or girl''. Ray said to her husband as she look at Draco, wondering if their child will be a boy or girl, wanting it to be a surprise to her, while wondering what name they should give to their child.

Draco looked at his wife with a smile on his face. "For a boy, maybe Mikey and for a girl, maybe Saya''. Draco said to his wife, having come up with some names for their child, getting Ray to smile as she rubbed her stomach. "I like Saya, so I hope it's a girl''. Ray said to her husband with a smile, liking the name Saya very much, getting Draco to smile at his wife.

"Draco''. Ray said to her husband, getting Draco to look at his wife, who looked worried. "What is it my dear''. Draco said to his wife, worried about her concerned look on her face. "I'm scared…of someone trying to hurt our child in the future to get to us''. Ray said as she looked at her husband, worry in her eyes about their child getting captured by some criminals that want to use their child to get to them, getting Draco's worried look to turn into an understanding look. "Ray. Nothing like that will ever happen, I promise to protect our child from anything and never let anyone touch our child''. Draco said to his Wife with a determined look on his face to protect their child from danger.

Ray looked at her husband's face and saw the determined look in his eyes, getting Ray to smile at Draco with love in her eyes, happy to have married this handsome and brave young man. "I know you will, my handsome husband''. Ray said to her husband with a smile, before she kissed Draco on the lips, with Draco returning the kiss to his wife, with both pro Duelists enjoying their time together.

(Flashback end)

I made a promise to always protect my little girl and nothing is gonna stop me''. Ash thought to himself with determined eyes to not let his daughter be captured. "We'll be there to help you, my lord''. Ash heard Stardust's voice from his deck, getting Ash to look down to see his deck glowing, getting Ash to smile, before he continued running. Ash then thought about Yuri. "Yuri's gotten stronger, but I notice that every time we Duel, Yuri seems to enjoy it like a child. Maybe there's hope to save Yuri''. Ash thought to himself, remembering in all of his Duels, Yuri always seemed to have fun dueling him, making Ash believe that there's hope for Yuri yet.

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