Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The Death of Ash Ketchum Reborn Satoshi
A 15-Year Old Boy Named Ash Ketchum
Groggily Opened His Eyes To Find Himself
Surrounded By Nothing But Pitch Black Darkness Ash Tried To Sit Up But Instead Of
A Sitting Position He Somehow Stood And Found Himself Floating in the Air He Looked
Around to Find Out Where He is Only to Keep Finding Nothing But Darkness Around Him As Looked Down At Himself To See That He is Still Wearing the Clothes He Wore
In Kalos He Wore His Blue Jacket Dark Pant
And Red Sneakers Black Gloves And His Red

Where Am I? The 15-Year Old Questioned To
Himself As He Looked Left What Happened
Last Thing I Remember is That Battling Lysandre on The Tower In Lumiose City With Alain But I Can't Remember Anything
After That How Did I Even Get Here and Where is Here Anyway Ash Questioned Looked Left And Right In Confusion The Answer For Your Question Is One That Will
Bring Great Pain Chosen One A Powerful Voice Said From Out Of Nowhere Scaring Ash In The Process

Whoa, what, who said that?'' Ash called out, looking around with narrowed eyes. "I know you're here. This place seems pretty empty for more people other than us to be here''. Ash explained as he kept his eyes narrowed for anything.

The voice chuckled at what Ash said. "It seems you're returning to normal faster than I expected''. The Voice said to Ash, sounding a little happy. Ash widened his eyes in realization as he remembered how he knows this voice. "Wait a minute. I know that voice, how could I forget the voice of one of my friends?'' Ash said as he relaxed and closed his eyes in relief.

You ask me''. The voice said, before a bright white light appeared in front of Ash, making the teen having to shield his eyes with his right arm to prevent being blind. When he removed his arm from his eyes, Ash saw the figure of white and golden with green eyes that have red pupils.

Arceus''. Ash said in shock that the god of all Pokémon was in front of him. Arceus looked at Ash with a sad expression of his face. "It has been a long time, Satoshi''. Arceus said to Ash with a sad tone, knowing what needs to be done now.

Ash gained a confused look on his face at what Arceus called him. Why did Arceus call him Satoshi when that isn't his name? "Arceus, my name isn't Satoshi, its Ash remember''. Ash said to Arceus, telling him that his name isn't Satoshi, but is Ash. However, Arceus shook his head at what Ash said. "No my friend, you're real name isn't Ash. It's Satoshi''. Arceus said to Ash, telling him that his real name isn't Ash, but is Satoshi. Ash was even more confused now at what Arceus said about his name being Satoshi and not Ash. "What are you taking about Arceus, and where are we''. Ash asked the God of Pokémon as he looked left and right again.

Arceus looked at Ash in the eye. "For me to tell you where we are and why I'm calling you Satoshi, I will have to tell you what happen to you. You died Satoshi''. Arceus explained to Ash, telling him that he died. Ash's eyes widen in shock at what Arceus just told him. "I'm dead, but how did I die''. Ash said in panic, panicking now that his find out that his dead.

"You were killed alongside Lysandre, when the Lumiose tower was destroyed when Zygarde destroyed it when he lost control''. Arceus said with a sad face, telling Ash how he died in the battle of Lumiose Tower. Ash's eyes widen even more than they were before at what his heard from the god of Pokémon. "What about my Pokémon and Alain. Are they dead to''. Ash asked, wanting to know if his Pokémon and friend was alright and didn't die with him.

"Alain manage to escape before the tower was destroyed, but you couldn't make it in time, so you threw you're Pokéballs and Pikachu to Alain, before you were killed''. Arceus said to Ash, telling him that his Pokémon and Alain were alright and didn't die.

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