Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: A family reunion and two new Pendulum users.

(Fusion Dimension)

Leo Akaba was bad. Screw that, he was downright pissed off. The Reason why is because he has heard someone sneak into Duel Academy last night, destroyed the power, defeated the two Guardians guarding both towers, taken away the two pieces of his Daughter and even defeated the Parasite that the XYZ Piece had.

Even the Doctor that controls the Parasites was pissed off as well from hearing his Parasite was defeated by this intruder. Right Now, Leo Akaba was seating on his seat, looking down at the defeated Guardians that was gain the duties to guard the two towers. They were still wearing their guardian clothes, but were still looking worse for wear. "What do you two have to say for yourselves''. Leo Akaba said two the two guardians, glaring at them.

Apollo and Diana bowed their heads. "We're sorry that we failed''. Apollo said to Leo Akaba, with his head down. "But the Intruder was to powerful and his wasn't human''. Diana said to Leo Akaba, still shaking from the terror that she saw last Night.

"I don't believe in fairy tails''. Leo Akaba said still glaring at the two defeated guardians. "W-W-W-We have proof''. Apollo said as he started to shake from the terror of what he faced. "The intruder left a massage for us''. Diana said to Leo, still shaking. Leo continued to glare at them, before a screen appeared in front of him to see the massage left behind by the intruder. Leo Akaba's eyes widen in great untold shock as he finished reading the massage. "Impossible. His Alive''. Leo Akaba said in disbelief from reading the massage.

Leo Akaba then looked back at Diana and Apollo. "The Opponent that you faced against was the White Dragon Emperor of heartland''. Leo Akaba said to the two guardians, making them widen their eyes in shock. "Spread the word that he has return. I need my forces to be at their best to defeat him''. Leo Akaba continued to say to the two guardians, who nodded to him, before they left the room, leaving Leo along to think to himself.

Leo then think back to the day where he heard of the White Dragon Emperor of heartland.


Leo Akaba was standing in the garden field of Duel Academy Island, waiting and watching all his forces that he sent to the XYZ dimension for the first time. Most of the students were back, celebrating, and now only waiting for the last three Students.

A light Blue light appeared in the garden field, making Leo smile at seeing his last students return, however Leo's face changed into shock where he saw the last three Students on the ground with a face of pure fear. All the other students notice their class mates looks of fear as well and were surprised.

"M-M-M-Monster...''. The first Student said in fear. "Completely destroyed us...''. The Second Student said in fear, shaking. "Known as White... Dragon... Emperor''. The Last student said in fear, making Leo widen his eyes in shock at what he heard. "White Dragon Emperor. His Alive''. Leo Akaba thought in shock as all the other students took the three scared students somewhere to calm down.

(Flashback end)

Ever since that Day, Leo has sent forces to capture the White Dragon Emperor, but always failed. They did tell him that the White Dragon Emperor protects a child called Saya, shocking Leo even more to hear that his Granddaughter is alive as well. He sent forces to capture Saya as well, but told them not to hurt or scare Saya one bit.

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