Chapter 4

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The woman was fast asleep in Shay's bed while he was on deck at the helm. Her breathing became more labored and frantic from the nightmare she was having. Whimpers and moans weren't loud enough to be heard by Shay and Gist. Her body began to twitch, then she abruptly awoke, groggy and confused.

"We are getting close to Albany, Captain!" A deckhand shouted.

"Finally, we're almost there." Shay sighed. "Gist, take the helm. I'm going to check on the lass, see if she's woke up yet."

"Aye, sir..."

Elizabythe's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, dreading there may be bright sunlight. But there were only a few candles and oil lamps. I was lying in a very cozy, soft bed with 3 blankets on top of me. I must have been cared for pretty well. I am sweating up a storm. My vision was fuzzy and clouded, someone misplaced my glasses. Dammit all!

I tried sitting up in this bed, only to be in utter pain. My pistol wounds, a broken leg, cuts everywhere and my body beaten to a pulp and left for dead out in the cold arctic snow. I need help...guess I will wait until someone comes in....

I'll just lay here for awhile...

I heard the door open slowly. I squinted enough to make it look like I was still sleeping. I could see a man, tall and slim build in dark blue or black garments. He slowly closed the door and crept towards the bed in light footsteps. I saw his form becoming less fuzzy out of the corner of my eye, so I slowly turned my head to the right to look at him.

He was fair-skinned with dark hair. Couldn't make out his face. So I made hand gestures, hoping he would get the message. Then I heard his deep, smooth voice.

"You need your glasses?"

I nodded twice.

He looked around swiftly and went somewhere to the left of the bed and picked something up. He came over, unfolded my glasses and slowly put them over my eyes. I widened my eyes as much as I could. He had very striking features. Then, he smiled charmingly at me.

"Welcome back, lass." He doesn't sound like he's from around here. "We nearly lost you."

I tried showing a weak smile despite my horrible pain I was in. He took my hand and put his other free arm around my back and sat me upright in his bed. Then he sat next to me at the headboard of his bed and wiped my face with what felt like a cloth towel. I didn't blame him, I hated feeling sweat on my skin. He set the towel aside; I just looked to the side and squinted because the light from a large candle gave me a headache when it shined in my eyes.


I looked at him and cocked my head. What was he saying, "Wow" about?

"You've---You have very pretty eyes."

I closed my eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed. I got that compliment from nearly everyone I met. I felt my cheeks get warm. Great, the captain made me blush. He flashed another smile at me, but it soon vanished when I started to cough harshly, making my throat drier and more painful.

I saw him grab a pitcher and pour something into a cup. My eyes widened and inhaled sharply. What was in it? Well, not poison; he would have done away with me already or just left me out there to die.

He held the small cup near my lips. "Here, lass, drink this..."

I made my face look concerned to communicate my hesitation.

"Please, darling. It'll help you get better...."

I stared at the sword and dagger-looking weapon on his belt and the tip of his pistols' barrels behind him. I forced myself to shake and tremble; since I couldn't talk at the moment, I had to convey my hesitant mood somehow.

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