Captain's Journal Entry 6

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I think I am falling in love with Shay Cormac. Ugh, why me? What's wrong with me? You'd think a girl would learn from too many heartbreaks. But no, its Shay. He seems to feel the same way. Hell, I kissed him, for God's sake! Just because the rascal wouldn't give me my sketchbook back.

I told the Finnegans about my feelings for Shay and they couldn't be happier for me. But I decided to just ride this out, see where it would lead...

Shay had to go away for awhile, tending to his fleet, fixing up the town, eroding the Assassins' influence they had over certain fortifications. I had told him that Artemis was used to flying long distances, so I told him if he wanted to send letters to keep in touch, I would let Artemis go with him for a bit. Since my leg was getting much better, I spent most of my time, walking around town with the Finnegans, accompanying them while they ran errands.

Speaking of good news, my brother sent a message, saying that He just finished an early shift and could take me home. The Finnegans were thrilled for me, but also sad to see me go; I told them they were more than happy to visit our homestead anytime they wished.

Late October. My leg bothers me very little now. I am at my Father's homestead. His room seems nearly packed up of his belongings we wished to keep. Hunter said that because my Father's been murdered, Assassins or possibly James's followers may come for the house. He just wants us to be prepared for the worst. I don't blame him. Even though I killed a majority of the traitors on board my ship, James still had connections.

It didn't matter to me. I had my own way of dealing with him. He was like a weed. Plant seeds of doubt, resentment, anger, and the weed spreads and kills everything else around it. And the best way to kill a weed is at the ROOT. I needed to make him harmless, in a sense. Cut off his resources and his ties, tell those of the Templar Order what's become of him, and they'll be on him like flied to a dead carcass. They'll take him, cut off his resources, retrieve my ship and then, I can focus on finding myself a loyal crew for the Siren's Wrath.

Hunter's been getting me up to fighting speed again. Reteaching me all of my Father's techniques in stealth, hunting, swordfight, marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat. My shoulder was a bit stiff, but poppy flowers helps me block out the pain enough for my training.

I am hoping that Shay comes back to Albany soon. He's been working with Colonel Monro for awhile. I just got his most recent letters from Artemis. The last letter both made me happy and scared me. This is what it read:

My Dearest Elizabythe,

It's been rough here on the Seven Seas, but Gist, the crew and I are still going strong. The Morrigan is getting better and stronger in our battles. Gist adored your drawing, by the way. Saw him blush red like a rose. He said that you are a very talented woman of your age, and I agree with him. You have accomplished a lot for a woman of twenty-five.

I had my drawings framed and put in my quarters. They are my sole reminder of you and the time we have spent together. I only wish that you were well enough to come along with me. But I am hunting down the Assassins I once called my brothers. But they have leveled the city of Lisbon. So many innocent lives lost forever. It would be dangerous for you to accompany me, especially with your battle wounds.

In earnest, I miss you terribly. I wanted to spend more time with you in Albany, but unfortunately I had my own work to attend to. These months have been hard for me. I keep finding myself being distracted by you. I wish you could have been here for my birthday in September.

I have missed you ever since I left Albany. But you'll be happy to know that I am on my way back to Albany to take a break from my work and from sailing. I shall be there by next week, if not sooner. I am taking this break not because I am tired or exhausted, but because I have not forgotten about our kiss we shared that morning so long ago. I wanted to finally talk to you about it.

Until we meet again.

Yours Truly,

Shay Patrick Cormac

I told Sera and Hunter to meet Shay at the docks and bring him to our homestead immediately. I told him that he was coming back to Albany next week or sooner. Now, I will have to face my feelings for Shay and finally conquer my fear of intimacy with another man. I have had my share of bad relationships, but I am certain that Shay will be different than them.

I just need to try...again. Give Shay a chance, Ellie. Just let your guard down enough for Shay to be let in. Just try....Father would have wanted me to be happy. Find my own bliss and not let his death burden me. He wants me to be happy. He wanted me to find someone as wonderful as Mother. Is Shay...the one for me...?

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