Part 3

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Shaking slightly,I walk to Mr Hartwoods door and try to control my erratic heart beat.
Counting from one to ten,I remember what Diana and Mira told me during our lunch___________"dayum,he is that hot huh?" Mira says with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Diana giggles and playfully slaps Mira. "That's not the point Mira.." I say a bit embarrassed about the whole I regret telling them about how gorgeous that pompous bastard is, quickly I gather my thoughts and continue talking " you guys think my behavior was okay? Maybe I should have just moved aside again.."
I trail off in a slightly panicked tone. Diana sighs while she Pat's my back in a comforting manner "you did nothing wrong Sammy,he could have easily walked away instead of trying to intimidate you. You did say he came off as Arrogant,you just put him in his place."
Mira nodding her head in agreement with Diana continues by saying " just showed him not everyone will bend down to his will. I say walk to that meeting with your head held up high and work that room."

__________________coming back to reality,it was so much easier for the girls to say so. I still feel nervous, glancing at my wrist watch I quickly school my face to normal and softly but firmly knock on the door. I hear Mr Hartwoods raspy tone call me in and with one final breath,I walk in as courageously as possible.
The room is quiet and tense,as if I just disturbed an argument. The only sound I hear is of the heels I changed back to after I got back from lunch.
Seated in his chair,Mr Hartwood gestures for me to sit opposite him.. right next to the ruggedly good looking man.
I groan inwardly and force a smile, "good afternoon sirs." I say as politely as I can without looking at the man next to me.
Mr Hartwood replies with a reluctant "good afternoon" while the other man stays silent.
This irks me..I hate when my greetings are purposefully ignored.
Leaning back into my chair,I side eye the man and he meets my gaze head on. Placing his long fingers to his lips,I see a small smirk playing on his lips.
Mr Hartwood decides then to introduce us.
"Samantha,I would like you to meet Malakai Lundgren. The C.E.O of Lundgren group of companies."  I thought he owned some security company? Ugh when I get my hands on Diana..."we've already met,Jim" a deep, soothing and velvety voice cuts in. Wow..I wonder what it sounds like in the morning.."at the elevator door." That last comment snaps me back to reality and sheepishly,I turn to him with a fake smile. Of course,he is not the kind that let's shit go. Clearing my throat I respond, "yes we did but not officially. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Sir" I say politely and confidently while stretching my hand to his, raising his brow In amusement,that damn smirk comes back and he shakes my hand back. His larger hand enveloping my own while bringing a sense of security. I feel good albeit for only a few seconds before he drops his hand and places it back to the arm of his chair.
Our gazes linger for a few more seconds before Mr Hartwood clears his throat to get our attention.
"Good. Then I will just cut to the chase. Sam,Mr Malakai here is looking for a structural engineer to work on his new building and I recommended you." A deep crease is formed on Mr Hartwoods face while I sit there astonished. "But just being trained. How can I get such a huge responsibility without even having an engineering license"
I say very much panicked but also trying to maintain composure. Mr Hartwood actually doesn't even look happy,he looks like he is being forced into this. Turning my attention to Malakai,I notice the strange look of satisfaction as he stares behind Mr Hartwoods the wall clock to be exact. I don't know whether I should be happy but everything about this arrangement feels wrong. It's not like this is out of the ordinary but I just started working here and if I am being honest,Jim Hartwood wasn't cut out to be a trainer. To say I am an amateur is well beyond the understatement of the year. "I know but this is how you will gain experience. Also if you do this rightly,you might get yourself the license even without the test." Jim says, trying to convince me but even I know that he is speaking of bribery.
Malakai noticing how unconvinced I am cuts in "the pay is double of what you get here plus a bonus every 3 months. You get to head a team while having the best advisors at your disposal. I insist that you join us."
Eyeing him questioningly,I take a deep breath and try to get my bearings together. Double the pay plus 4 bonuses in one year does sound good. I could take that vacation to Bali or Paris.. maybe even England. But still,call it female intuition this shit still feels wrong. But think of Paris...greed slowly slips in and eventually I give in. "Where will I be working from?"
A triumphant smile appears on the face of Malakai and briefly,I am amazed at the transformation. An almost boyish and youthful look takes over his features. He stands up, me and Jim follow suit. Malakai stretches his hand to me and I shake it "you Will be working at my other office building, welcome to the team." I glance at Jim's face and he looks anything but happy.


I was given two days to collect my stuff and move into the new office. While I pack my stuff,I hear a knock at the door, "come in."  Jim walks in,he looks a bit solemn. "Already done I see.." his raspy tone almost echoes in the room, I smile politely and I motion for him to sit on the couch while I follow as well. "Yes..I didn't have much." He looks around and briefly there is an awkward silence. Jim and I never really got to know each other. That day when I walked into his office and I saw the polite smile on his face,I really hoped we would get to know each other. But after opening that letter from Lady May,a wall was put up immediately, destroying what ever could have been a good friendship. Sighing sadly I look at it him and he is deep in thought. Suddenly he speaks up "don't trust him .."
Surprised,I nod knowing immediately who he is speaking about. Then he stands up and I follow suit, heading to the door I stop him "Jim.." trailing off, this is the first time I've called him by his first name "what was in that letter Lady May gave you?" I curiously ask..he scoffs and looks at me for a second, "just be careful child.. don't trust anyone." And with that, he turns and leaves.
That was the last time I ever saw and heard Jim Hartwood.


Heading home in my Little car,I replay the odd conversation I had with Jim.. what's going on?

Up in my apartment,I turn on the news while I make some chicken chakalaka with rice. The news caster comes on "and now in more sad news,a man was found shot dead in an alleyway on 7th Street..." That's my work place... "The man identified as Jim Hartwood,head engineer at coral Construction House was.." at that point I nearly collapse at the news, "....the killer is unknown.." the news caster continues and I drown out her voice. Quickly,I switch off the TV suddenly becoming overwhelmed with fear, sadness, paranoia and anguish. "How? How? How?.." I continuously repeat the question as if my silent house will give me the answers I seek. I feel tears roll down my cheeks as I slide to the floor. I never knew Jim as well as I wanted to but I do know that he has left behind a wife and two kids. The thought makes me sob more and I suddenly remember his last words to me "just be careful child.... Dont trust any one.."


What a strange turn of events 😅😅 don't forget to vote and comment. Tell me what you all think so far 😁

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