Chapter 1 : Origin

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Attack on Titan : Rebirth From Below

That day, I was sure that death had finally found me. Since Emma's demise, the only thing I have wanted was to die. At long last I'm free from life's curse! I was wrong, so wrong. It was only the beginning.

My young self didn't know how life could be so short. Dad always called me his little miracle. I was born in the north of Kriegen, a fierce divided country, the exact day where the Boreal Army and my father won the Second Great War of Kriegen. After five years of fighting the south, the violence stopped because there were no more soldiers on their side. They all died in vain. The enemies wanted full control over the country instead of a perfect democracy. They didn't believe that everyone had a right mind to make impactful decisions. Now, I kinda agree with them. As a small child, I ignored politics. My parents named me Sterben, Sterben Hexus. It was in memory of all our allies and family who died in war. That name now fits me amazingly well. We lived a pretty normal life in our small village at the farthest peak of the land. While my parents worked in a farm, I spent most of my days exploring and playing with the animals. Mother and father, I still remember all the love they gave me. Each Friday, mother and I picked berries all day while father went to his special meetings with the village leaders. For us, family was the most important thing you could have. I...really do miss them...

One of my favorite childhood stories was the day my two parents met. Father said I was doing my regular routine at the time, inspecting the shores in case of a surprise attack. Something was floating on the water in the distance. At first, I was certain it was only a piece of wood. It was hard to see far with only one eye. When the waves pushed the thing towards me, I realised it was a woman's corpse! At closer inspection she seemed still alive and what do you know she wakes up. Your mother lost all her memory. She only remembered fleeing from something or someone and falling in the ocean. It was impossible for a girl to go to war, so she couldn't be a spy and lying. Captain asked if she could stay with me for a while, I gladly accepted. Two years later, you were born. I believed in destiny after hearing that story. After all, destiny chose to keep me alive up to this point. At the age of four years old, dad had gotten really sick. He stopped working at the farm but at least he continued going out each Friday night at the village's meeting. Everything went downhill a year later. In a single night, I lost everything. Dad was about to leave the house when all of a sudden, an enormous and loud explosion came from his room. The entire house was burning, he shouted everybody get up run! Before it's too late!!! My father grabbed me and took me outside. Mother was nowhere to be seen. Out of the fire crawled a weird humanoid creature. I would never forget the menacing look it had on his face. The monster was taller than a regular human and, at that time, I didn't know what it was. Mom!!! Motherrrr!!!! Before rushing in the flames my father said get out of here son! I'll save your mother, go at your uncle's house. That was his lasts words to me. I ran as I never ran before. Screaming and crying all the way to alert my uncle. Suddenly, the fire stopped. The night returned to its pitch black color. Ten minutes later, I arrived to uncle Xander's house. He was by far my favorite of my father's brothers. He was always so nice to me, and we loved to play sports together. When I explained what just happened a few moments ago, he rushed out the door and told me to stay put. Uncle Xander only came back a day later, a scar on his left eye and a couple of wine bottles in hand. Yup, nothing was there. Just move on kiddo... My parents never came back.

Was I crazy?! No, I wasn't but at that moment I was sure of it. Where are mommy and daddy!!??? The old man replied Who? They don't mather anymore... you're living with me now you hear. My house my rules! That's the sentence he always used before taking my pants off and rapping me. For an unknown reason, he turned into a devil, a real nightmare. Those days were the worst. Every day, he would grab me and bring my almost lifeless body to his room to torture me physically and sexually. The other villagers were certain I died with the rest of my family. He made sure to keep my existence a secret. When Xander finished playing with my body, he would throw me in a dog cage in his basement and close the door. I only ate a potato each two days and a small glass of water, barely enough to keep me alive. If I wasn't nice, he would beat me even harder and rape me even longer. After a while, I was sort of happy when he would bring me to his room. That was the only moment I could see light and watch the outside world from the windows. Even during all those horribles days and nights, I would never give up the hope I still had left. I, Sterben Hexus will one day become king of this country and bring order! I would yell that in his basement when I was sad or needed motivation to keep hope. For the next seven years, I was his slave. On a rainy day, my uncle brought me upstairs to have sex. It's been a very long time that I haven't seen rain. It was always impossible for me to escape. He carried knifes on him, and my body was too weak to even run. While he was tying my wrists to the bed, I heard a loud noise behind me. My uncle fell on the carpet and had trouble breathing. He was hitting his chest like a savage ape who was between life and death. It was the first time I laughed and had so much fun in a long time. Not even a minute later, he was dead. Life finally blessed me with freedom.

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