Chapter 2 : Emma

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I was finally free. Free from his abuse. After all those atrocious years of suffering, I was sure life would get better. I can't stay here, they would find his body and look for the murderer. I pissed on his dead body and went to pack up supplies to prepare for my next big adventure. After taking everything he had, I remembered something. What happened to my house? My parents? My house was thirty minutes from where I was. I needed to get answers on what truly happened on that fateful night. On my arrival, there were military soldiers around the house. It's been at least seven years, why is the army involved now? Have they been here since the incident? Without alerting anyone, I escaped. I couldn't risk the rest of my family involved in the murder and the appearance of the mysterious creature. They would probably be interrogated and killed. The supplies I took from my uncle lasted me one month. That was enough for me to reach Lodgen, the biggest city in the south. I had to start a new life and forget my past. My new name is ...humm...Jeager! I'm tired of being the hunted. It's time to be the hunter from now on. I survived my days by stealing food at markets around the city. To my surprise, I never got caught. The workers named me The Invisible Thief. People and habitants would always look at me in a strange way. All my clothes were destroyed and dirty while everybody else had beautiful outfits. Those days were something rough but still better than being at my uncle's place.

If I had to say what was the happiest day in my sad life, it was the day I met my other half, Emma. It was a pretty regular day when all of a sudden, I say from far away a young girl with the same type of clothes I had. Maybe she was homeless like me, maybe I found a friend. Without the girl knowing, I fallowed her around town to confirm my suspicions. She went into a small bakery and a few seconds later, she was running away with a bag full of bread. To get her attention I screamed Hey! Hey! Come here!! Surprised, she came my way and gave me a big slice of bread. Here you go, are you homeless too? Yes, yes I am...wanna be my friend? She smiled and suddenly burst out crying. Hum are you okay? I asked. I...sniff...was alone all these years...let's be best friends and stay together please!? That sentence made me cry too. I knew exactly how she felt. I couldn't keep my feelings for myself any longer. She brought me to her secret spot in the back of an alley to talk. I was so happy that I forgot to ask for her name. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jeager, what's yours? Hihi, my name is Emma, pleasure to meet you best friend. I didn't even known her for a day but she had my complete trust and I had her's. That night, we held each other before going to sleep and we told our stories. Emma's story will always haunt for the rest of my damn life.

Both of my parents died in the Second Great War of Kriegen. My father was a soldier and my mother, a nurse. It's a complicated story. I was born in a concentration camp two years after the war officially ended. The Boreal Army of the north held my parents and thousands of habitants from the south captive. We were there slaves. A small price to pay for our defeat in battle, but a big blow to our people. They made us do hard labour all our life as prisoners. The commanders forced adults to have children, so we could work faster. The army made us build weapons and armor for them in case of a new war. Seeing my parents wiped and kicked was the norm in there. One day, when I was around three years old, I got lost by accident in the huge complex. Finding my way back was not a simple task for a small girl. After a while, a new recruit soldier escorted me back to my parents. When we arrived, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Both my mother and my father were laying dead on the cold floor. The guards killed them thinking that they helped me escape the building. Two tall men were laughing at their corpses and spitting all over their decapitated heads. With the instinct of a savage animal, I jumped on them and started hitting and bitting their legs as hard as I could. I snatched both of their name tags with incredible jump and stabed them with the little needle in the back of the objects. My attacks only did a few scratches, but I remember piercing the eye of one of the men. When I had no more strength in me, they proceeded to kick me to death. Or so that's what they taught. Knowing well I couldn't fight back at this point, I simply tried to fake my own death. They throwed my presumably dead body through a window and into a river. The strong current almost drowned me, but I survived by holding my breath for at least a good five minutes. When in the ocean, I managed to get back to shore even without knowing how to swim. Something in me really wanted to stay alive. Only then I realised that my parents were actually dead. They couldn't come back. Since that day, I was alone, all alone. I remember every event so well, it's scary...

I didn't know what to say to that story. I was in complete shock. To me, it was impossible that an other human being had gone trough something as horrible and dramatizing as my childhood. I also had trouble believing all the secrets the Boreal Army kept from us. Me and Emma were really meant to meet each other. While I was telling my origins and my story to her, our bodies were getting closer and closer, almost being only one. I felt something weird in her pocket and stopped talking for a moment and said Do you have something in there? I immediatly regretted asking that after she showed me what she had. Oh this? It's the only souvenirs I have to remind me of my parents and that...that day. It's the name tags I mentioned earlier, Captain Heinrich and Soldier Hexus. Something in my head exploded when she said that name. I grabbed the badge in my hand and my eyes turned black. My father, he had once told me he lost his eye in the army. Not only did they capture so many innocent civilians, but they murdered many people including her parents. I could never tell her that one of the men who killed her poor parents was my own father. What is going on? Is this just a mistake? look scared are you alright?? Oh, it's nothing I'm just a tired that's all, I replied. I continued my story like nothing happened and we went to sleep right after. 

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