Taken In By Cetrion

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In the Schnee mansion, everything was going as it normally would. Or so it seemed. In a dark and cold room lay a shivering boy in nothing but a pair of torn shorts. A multitude of scars and burn marks stained his body. This boy was Y/N Schnee. He had been born when his father had a one night stand with another woman. As such, he did not have the Schnee semblance and looked very different to his siblings. Instead of white hair, he had H/C hair, and instead of the typical light blue eyes he had pure white eyes with no pupils. He had been born with E/C eyes but due to the torture, his eyes had been rendered white without pupils. He was seen as a freak, abomination, basically anything that meant he looked different. His sister Weiss came in and in her hand she held her weapon. Y/N looked up at her and she had an evil smirk. Before he could say or do anything, she stabbed him relentlessly with her weapon, cutting him even more than he already was. When she was done, he was curled up crying and whimpering. Weiss kicked him in the gut.

“You’ll never be a true Schnee, you freakshow!”, she shouted at him before spitting in his face. She turned and left the room, but had left the door open. Using this moment, Y/N went to the door as fast as possible but it was difficult due to his bleeding and his limping. Eventually he made it out and hid behind a corner as he heard Weiss and his father talking

“Do not worry, Weiss. That abomination will not be outside. No one will know such a great family name is sullied by a child who looks nothing like us”, his father said. That was what broke the poor boy. He immediately picked up a nearby sledgehammer that had once been used to torture him and limped over to the family portrait, which had him as a baby in it.

“They want me to not be seen? So be it!”, he said and swung the hammer at the picture.
Using what strength he had, he battered the picture until it was reduced to torn fabric, a destroyed frame and shattered glass. He then jumped out of the nearest window, landing hard on his ankle which ended up breaking it. He whimpered in pain and limped even more away from the hellhole he knew as a home. He eventually came across a flat rock. He laid his head and hands on it, sobbing wildly.

“Please, can someone just end my pain? If anyone is there who can hear me, please take me away from this nightmare”, he whimpered and a bright light shone above him. He looked up at it and a woman with dull purple skin, green hair resembling seaweed, and tiny green dots around her similarly-glowing eyes appeared in the sky. She appeared to wear a combination of teal crystal, green plant matter, and thin brown cords wrapped around her neck, torso, and waist. Chunks of crystal floated behind her head in a rough ring shape.

“Child, I heard your pleas for help

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“Child, I heard your pleas for help. I have come to help you understand what it means to be a family. I am Cetrion, the goddess of Nature and Life.”, she introduced herself. Y/N just looked at her, unable to answer. “I can free you from this pain and give you the life you deserve, as my son. Do you accept?”, she offered with a kind and gentle voice holding out her hand. Y/N looked at her hand, then back at her face, before he nodded taking hold of her hand and the two of them disappearing into thin air. They soon arrived at an area which had a giant hourglass in the middle. Y/N hid behind Cetrion, frightened by the sudden change in area. Two people then arrived and Y/N hid more behind Cetrion. One of the people was a human-like female with piercing blue eyes. She had no hair, but a piece of gold metal was on her head. She was fully clothed in blue, white, and gold armor. Parts of her body glowed blue.

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