New Powers and New Allies

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Three days later, Y/N was reading a book about gods and what it meant to have the powers of space and matter manipulation when Cetrion arrived in his room

"Y/N, mother and I have been talking. It is time for you to undergo your timeline activity. We will be travelling into 5 different timelines. In each timeline there will be one object mother wishes for us to retrieve for her. It may sound easy but the objects are in difficult places. You will need to use your imagination and the environment to gain what mother wishes us to retrieve for her.", she explained. Y/N placed a small flower in the book as a bookmark and placed the book on his bed before walking with Cetrion to the Hourglass. Upon arriving there, he was greeted with a large man who had dark skin, glowing blue eyes and sand in his body.

 Upon arriving there, he was greeted with a large man who had dark skin, glowing blue eyes and sand in his body

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"Y/N, this is Geras. He will guide you on the journey through the timelines. Stay close to him, for if you stray too far you may end up lost in the timeline", Cetrion warned and Y/N nodded before Kronika opened up a timeline and Geras stepped through follow by Y/N. Almost immediately Y/N felt uneasy. He realised he was taller and was growing fast.

"It is the effect the timeline is having on you. You are aging. Stay close and you'll be alright", Geras explained, before the two headed to a deep dark cavern

"So what are we looking for?", Y/N asked. Geras pointed to a green glow

"Kronika's crown. It was lost in this timeline eons ago. You must retrieve it fast", Geras explained. Y/N noticed it was behind a large amount of rocks. He noticed a large stick and tried to get the crown closer to him. He managed to get it a little closer but it was still out of reach. He noticed a tree leaking sap and found another large stick. He coated the flat end of the stick with the sap and stuck the two sticks together. Using them, he managed to retrieve the crown and Geras held onto him firmly as they were pulled back into the room from the timeline. Y/N held up the crown and Kronika picked it up.

"Excellent work Y/N. Now for the next timeline", she said before she started up another. Hours later, all five objects had been retrieved and Y/N was asleep. After those timelines, he was now 17, a 9 year difference between when he had started and what he was now. Being through those timelines had been exhausting and he was resting up. Just then Kronika gently knocked on the door and Y/N woke up

"Come in", he said and Kronika entered

"It is time for you to receive your powers", she announced and Y/N eagerly got up. He followed Kronika to a room where Shinnok and Cetrion were. Kronika took her place between her two children and the three levitated into the air. Y/N knelt down. Kronika began the speech

"Y/N, with the power invested in the Keeper of Time...", she began.

"The Goddess of Nature and Life", Cetrion said.

"And the God of Death", Shinnok said.

"We gift to you the powers of Space and Matter Manipulation. The stars are yours to command and the very fabric of matter will bend to your will", they all said at once and Y/N then rose off the ground. Different coloured streams of light entered his body, enveloping him in a white light. When it was done, his clothes were completely different. He now had a face mask and he felt very powerful.

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